Homeopathy--Should it be a Part of Socialized Medicine?
Homeopathy is big in Europe. In fact, it's how Jacqueline Lawrence, creator of Colic Calm
One Mom’s Story: Holly and Danny
This week's "One Mom's Story" comes to us from Panama, New York. We hear about Colic Calm helping newborns, but you don't really hear about the toddler-set, which is what grabbed my interest with Holly's story. Read on to learn how Colic Calm helped her son, Danny
Breast Milk and Cancer
A study was recently done by researchers with Lund University and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden which shows a link between a substance in breast milk and cancer cells.
In the Birthing Room: Cesarean versus VBAC
It's rare to find someone these days who had a cesarean, and then a subsequent VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) delivery. My first pregnancy, I had a natural, drug-free delivery, but for the birth of my second child,
One Mom's Story: Laura and Baby Isabella
Today’s One Mom’s Story is told by Laura of Ashville, Ohio. Although Laura experienced infant reflux with her first child, she had no idea what would hit her when Isabella, her third child, was born. Read on to find out what happened.
Placenta Encapsulation: What the Heck?
Before we went, the PR people for the event emailed us a list of exhibitors so we would be well prepped in what we wanted to do. As I read it, I came to "Placenta Encapsulation."
One Mom's Story: Lisa and Baby Valeda
In today's world, colic and infant reflux seem as common as peanut allergies and multiples. Almost everyone I talk to has experienced one or the other. As a result, there are a lot of moms out there who have been "saved" by Colic Calm. Life was not fun with a screaming baby,
Colicky Baby? Try Aromatherapy.
Warm baths can help relax a spasm as well. Mix 1 teaspoon almond or grapeseed oil with one drop of Lavender and one drop Roman Chamomile.
Your Baby's Poop--How do You Know What's Healthy?
Everything You Need to Know About Your Baby from Birth to Age Two
Does Infant Massage Relieve Colic?
Who doesn't like a good massage? Nothing takes away life's stress like someone rubbing you and getting the kinks out. Why would babies feel any different? Infant massage has been gaining more and more popularity over the years, and now it seems as if massage can help colic too.