One Mom's Story: Lisa and Baby Valeda
In today's world, colic and infant reflux seem as common as peanut allergies and multiples. Almost everyone I talk to has experienced one or the other. As a result, there are a lot of moms out there who have been "saved" by Colic Calm. Life was not fun with a screaming baby, but that all changed with the introduction to the homeopathic solution. As a result, they are dedicated users, and we here at the Colic Calm Journal would like to share their stories. Starting with Lisa and her baby named Valeda. . . Lisa was not new to the throes of babyhood. Valeda was her third child--and the first with colic. In my opinion, colic really hits hard when you're a veteran. You're sure you have this whole newborn thing wrapped up and then Bam! your baby has colic. You think to yourself, "Wait, I don't remember a newborn crying so much," only to find out that yes indeed, your baby is crying more than what's usual. Lisa was having these same thoughts--her older children, who are 16 and ten thought they were doing
something wrong because Valeda would scream so much when they held her. Lisa's ten year old, who was around Valeda more than her 16 year old, felt like she wanted Valeda to go away, while Lisa's older daughter just wanted to fix her. These anxieties were compounded by the fact that Lisa was the only one who could subside Valeda's cries--as a result, her two older children went on the back burner. Not fun for anyone. Then, Lisa got her first bottle of Colic Calm. She had tried another "gripe water" but found that even with giving the maximum dosage it didn't do anything. She had researched Colic Calm for a friend and decided it was her turn to try it. Valeda was 10 weeks old and didn't respond to it the first day it was given. But then the second day, Colic Calm eased Valeda's pain and the happy baby that was dying to come out was seen. As Lisa says, "The second day of using it, there wasn't just less crying and discomfort--she sat on my lap and looked around and talked for over an hour!!! That morning she went three hours without crying! And we went to dinner that night, and Grandma held her for about 1/2 hour. That is why Grandma ordered a stock of it, mostly to take Valeda's pain, but also purely selfish - to have more Grandma time!" When asking how often and when Lisa administers Colic Calm, she had this to say, "This has been a quick turn around. I, of course, [caption id="attachment_270" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Valeda shows off her black tongue after having a dose of Colic Calm."][/caption] gave it to her straight out of the box. The first couple days it was once in the morning, then at least once in the afternoon/evening and then before bedtime (around 9:00PM). And often a dose was followed by nursing. After the first few days, the affects were long lasting, so I made sure she had a dose before 5:00PM (witching hour) and maybe another before bed, if she needs it." So, we're glad to hear that Lisa and her family are getting their sleep, seeing Valeda's smiles and that Lisa's older children have their mom back. Lisa says, "I can't wait for my in-laws to see her now!!! They will be over the moon! The happy baby I knew was there is out in the open for everyone to see!" We couldn't be any happier for you Lisa.
Are you a Colic Calm user and would like to share your story? Just let us know by leaving a comment below and we'll be in touch! Thank you!