Best Remedies for Baby Gas Relief
It’s 2am. You baby is crying. You are crying. Your baby doesn’t want to eat and she doesn’t want to sleep. Her diaper is dry. No one is happy. What now? This is a classic scenario that every parent dreads, especially if it’s your first child. How do you know if it’s baby gas that’s causing the issue and what are some of the best remedies for baby gas relief?
What should you know?
Baby gas is very normal and almost all babies experience discomfort from gas at some point during infancy. Their digestive tracts are still maturing, and when they swallow air when crying or feeding, their tummies can become painfully bloated, hard, and they may become extra fussy. Ultimately, baby gas is not harmful in the long term, but can be challenging for parents to manage in the short term.
What causes baby gas?
There are many causes of gas in infants and whether you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding may play a part in diagnosing gas in your infant:
• Incorrect latching causing your baby to swallow excessive air when breastfeeding
• Bottle nipple opening is too large, causing your baby to swallow excessive air
• Excessive swallowing of air when baby is crying
• Feeding too quickly or overfeeding
• Gas-inducing foods and beverages that moms consume have the potential to affect your breastfed baby, such as dairy, carbonated drinks, green vegetables, and other fiber-rich foods, and according to this Parents article, possibly even chocolate
• Allergies to lactose
These are all situations you can monitor as a parent if you think your little one is suffering from gas. If you notice your baby is extra fussy after feedings or waking up more frequently in the middle of the night, take a look at how you are feeding them and begin to adjust your routine.
What are the best remedies for baby gas relief?
Now that you have a better idea of what could be causing your infant discomfort, the question becomes what do I do about it and what are the best remedies for baby gas relief?
• Burp your baby multiple times during feedings, both with breastfed and bottle fed babies.
• Try an over-the-knee burp or other burping position.
• Feed in an upright position.
• During feedings, slow down the intake of liquid by adjusting nipple size if you are bottle feeding, or take breaks if you are breastfeeding. This will help limit the amount of air your baby is swallowing during feedings. You may need to meet with a lactation consultant to help you adjust technique.
• Invest in specially designed bottle that aims to reduce the amount of air a baby intakes during feedings.
• Don’t shake the formula! This applies to any formula in a bottle, even breastmilk. The more you shake it, the more bubbles appear and the more air your baby consumes.
Other Natural Solutions
• Try bicycling your baby’s legs after feeding to help relieve gas in the lower intestine.
• Apply gentle heat to their tummy.
• A gentle tummy massage can get trapped gas moving.
• Plan for tummy time 20-30 minutes after feeding (but never during bedtime, and always supervise your baby during tummy time).
• Try baby gas drops, a natural option for relieving baby gas. Not all baby gas drops are created equal, however. Unlike other baby gas drops that seek to suppress symptoms, Colic Calm is a homeopathic medicine designed to simulate the body’s natural ability to self-heal using activated charcoal to break down impurities naturally and without absorption into your baby’s body. Read more here.
It goes without saying that every baby is different. What works for one infant may not work for another. Keep track of what you’ve tried, what works, and what doesn’t. If your baby is not eating, losing weight, is constantly constipated, or has signs of severe acid reflux, it might be time to reach out to your child’s pediatrician. If your baby is gassy but still happy, eating normally, and gaining weight, chances are everything is progressing as it should. As your little one grows, gas issues should eventually subside, and you should all be able to get a better night’s sleep!