Homeopathy--Should it be a Part of Socialized Medicine?
Homeopathy is big in Europe. In fact, it's how Jacqueline Lawrence, creator of Colic Calm received her inspiration to formulate the solution to stop colic. As someone who spent a lot of her life in France, whenever Jacqueline would have some kind of "ailment," off to the homeopathic pharmacy she would go. Homeopathy worked for her, so it should work for her baby. And Colic Calm DOES work. But, I digress. . . As I said, homeopathy is big in Europe. And that includes England. Currently, the United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS) spends about four million pounds on funding four homeopathic hospitals, as well as numerous prescriptions. Sounds like heaven if you choose to practice homeopathy, right? Unfortunately, the NHS has been under heavy pressure from Britain's doctors to stop the funding. Members of the British Medical Association (BMA) have stated that homeopathy
isn't true science, and that there should be a ban on the practice. This past May, at the BMA's annual conference, the doctors voted to put an, ". . .end to all placements for trainee doctors which teach them homeopathic principles" reports the Telegraph. The Telegraph goes on to say that, "Dr Tom Dolphin, deputy chairman of the BMA's junior doctors committee in England told the conference: "Homeopathy is witchcraft. It is a disgrace that nestling between the National Hospital for Neurology and Great Ormond Street [in London] there is a National Hospital for Homeopathy which is paid for by the NHS"." However, other doctors are in favor of homeopathy, reports the BBC in an article from June 29, 2010. "Dr John Garner, a GP from Edinburgh, said: "This [a ban] would deprive patients who have had a benefit"." And Dr David Shipstone, a urologist from the East Midlands, said it would be unfair to pick on homeopathy as there were plenty of other treatments which were used by doctors despite a lack of categorical evidence they worked. "What is valid scientific evidence? Academics can argue about it all day"." So, what do YOU think? Should the NHS continue to fund homeopathy care? My thoughts are if you have a socialized system of medicine, then how do you decide what medicine isn't funded? Just because a person doesn't practice Western medicine means that they need to go and pay for what they do practice? It doesn't seem very fair to me. What are your thoughts?