One Mom's Story: Laura and Baby Isabella
Today’s One Mom’s Story is told by Laura of Ashville, Ohio. Although Laura experienced infant reflux with her first child, she had no idea what would hit her when Isabella, her third child, was born. Read on to find out what happened. . . Laura had made it through her first-born’s acid reflux, and then her second child came-- all looked peaceful on the horizon so they went for a third, and that’s when colic hit. Her third baby, Isabella, gave Laura and her husband a triple whammy—colic, infant reflux and painful gas/bowel movements. Luckily, they were thrice blessed so they could be a bit relaxed, but when a baby cries for hours on end, you could have ten kids prior and you’d be frazzled. Poor Isabella’s
back would arch, she’d get hot and sweaty from crying and her cries would get loud and shrill. When she finally fell asleep, she would sleep a very long time because she was so worn out. On top of all of this, she would be constantly spitting up, which Laura could see was hurting her. Laura describes the situation as this, “She [Isabella] seemed to have painful gas as well. She cried almost every time she passed gas or had a bowel movement. Since I breastfeed, I felt that my baby was getting the most natural type of nutrition and knew that over time her body would become accustomed to processing her food without it being so painful and uncomfortable for her. I still watched what I ate so it wouldn't pass through the breast milk, but even a bland diet didn't seem to help. The colic appeared to have nothing to do with any type of over-stimulation issues. It was directly related to being in pain with regards to acid reflux, gas, and processing or breaking down the milk proteins.” When Isabella was three weeks old, Laura tried Colic Calm. For Laura, the results were unbelievable. “I found that when I used Colic Calm, that all three of the above symptoms dissipated. Even if she wasn't having a colicky evening, but started to get gassy, I would give her Colic Calm. In the mornings, if she started the day off spitting up often, I gave her Colic Calm. Colic Calm worked, especially with the painful gas and colicky breakdowns in the evening. The acid reflux didn't appear to be painful to her when she had Colic Calm and her spitting up was very minimal. If I didn't use Colic Calm for one day, she would probably use about 15 burp clothes by mid-morning whereas if she had a dose of Colic Calm, she maybe used one or two burp clothes the entire day. It made that big of a difference.” One of the most frequent questions asked on Colic Calm’s Facebook page is about dosage—how much can one give their baby, and how often. Since Laura was using Colic Calm to treat three different things, I was curious about how she used it for Isabella. Laura describes a typical day as this, “At first, I administered Colic Calm on a regular basis. Maybe twice in one hour if she started crying in apparent pain or getting colicky. Once we knew for sure that Colic Calm actually seemed to be working, we started giving her Colic Calm at around 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon to head off any major colicky evenings. We would give her another dose around 5:00 or 7:00 PM and that would be it. To be honest, I could tell when Colic Calm went through her system by her bowel movements. If her BM's were black, her acid reflux was better through the day as well as her gas and she didn't have major crying fits in the evenings. When her BM's turned back to the normal yellow, seedy color, we noticed major spitting up with uncomfortableness--gas to the point that she couldn't sleep because of pain, and long, drawn out colicky evenings. So basically, I started to judge when to give her Colic Calm by the color of her bowel movements. That is as about as honest as one can get!” Today, Isabella is a happy three month old baby with no colic. She does, however, still have her infant reflux. Usually, they give Isabella a dose in the evening at bath time—if for some reason she and her husband skip it, they regret it in the morning, because Isabella starts the day with a lot of spit-up. At that point, they administer the Colic Calm and it stops. As a side note, Laura wanted to mention the following: “I was very hesitant to use it [Colic Calm] at first because of the black color—I was afraid that it would stain the clothes. Living on a budget, I couldn't afford new clothes, but in the end, the price of new clothes or wearing stained clothes wasn't anything compared to getting her happy. To my amazement, Colic Calm hasn't damaged one thing! As soon as it got on her clothing or burp rag, I ran it under water in my sink and rubbed the stain with my finger. Nine times out of ten it came right out. If it didn't, I used soap and then it disappeared. This may seem like a lot of extra work, but [prior to using Colic Calm] I was going through 5-10 outfits per day (and over 20 burp rags) and was having to rinse them under a sink before throwing them in the washer to soak so they wouldn't get ruined from the vomit/reflux. In as little as a week, I didn't even need to change her outfit once a day. So in essence, I saved myself time and money.” To read more about removing Colic Calm from your child’s clothes, click here. Are you a Colic Calm user and would like to share your story? Just let us know by leaving a comment below and we'll be in touch! Thank you!