What are probiotics and why does your baby need them?
Probiotics are the beneficial bacteria that balance the pathogenic bacteria in our bodies. Babies have a very clean system, so helping build up their gut health will allow their microbiome to more effectively manage irritants, toxins and other threats.
Gripe Water- A Brief History
Gripe water has long been a home remedy to treat gastrointestinal discomfort, colic, teething and other pains in infants. Colic Calm, the leader in colic relief, is unlike traditional gripe waters because of its natural-active ingredients.
The Benefits of Colic Calm
Colic Calm® is a unique homeopathic remedy formulated to calm the discomfort and irritation caused by colic, gas, stomach pain, teething, hiccups and reflux.
What is the difference between a “fussy baby” and a “colicky baby?”
Parents often mistake fussiness for colic. Understanding the difference between a colicky baby and a fussy baby can help ease this phase of life.
To Her Amazement, Tummy Calm Worked Instantaneously
Many babies experience at least a couple blissful weeks after birth. Unfortunately, many other babies start experiencing digestive woes soon after those first weeks. This was no different for Stacie and her beautiful daughter Alyssa. In fact she was a “very happy” until two weeks of age. Seemingly out of nowhere, Alyssa started experiencing strong gas pains that would leave her screaming every night for hours. Like most babies, Alyssa started experiencing these pains right around the "witching hours".
She Finally Found What She Was Looking For
Kimberly is mom to a beautiful 6-month-old beauty named Maddie. Maddie, like most babies her age, has experienced ups and downs when it comes to digestive challenges.
In A Few Minutes Our Stomach Aches Were Gone Like Magic!
She spent her first month of life in the NICU, and also had significant issues with reflux and GERD. Unfortunately, she was also diagnosed with colic at the same time.
First Impressions Are the Most Important!!
Sage is Kayla's first baby and she is currently one month old. She was breastfeeding her baby for her first week of life when she was transitioned to formula.
Little Precious Bundle of Crankiness
Rhea was not a stranger to colic. Her sister’s babies had all suffered from colic. Knowing full well how challenging it is to care for a child with colic, Rhea immediate went on a search for a solution when her own daughter showed the very first signs of it .
Life is a whole lot easier with Colic Calm
Too many of us can relate to this scenario. You are a veteran mommy who experienced a peaceful arrival of your first baby. You have that delectable and blissful time raising your firstborn. Then you find out that you are blessed with another arrival! You bring your new bundle of joy home.