How to Soothe a Colicky Baby and What Works Best for Colic Relief?
Trying to calm a colicky baby has got to be one of the most challenging situations a new parent can face. Your baby is fed, healthy, but has been crying for hours for seemingly no reason at all and with no end in sight.
Understanding Infant Reflux
As your new Little One adjusts to life outside the womb, many new parents experience the distress of infant reflux. We've put together some great information on how to help and soothe reflux.
The Benefits of using Activated Charcoal with your Little One- All You Need to Know
If you're new to Colic Calm, or a long time fan, the first thing you might notice about the product is that it is black. This can come as a shock, but that is where the key to relieving the symptoms associated with colic, gas and reflux lie.
Tips for a First Time Mom – What You Should Know
It's easy to feel overwhelmed as a first time Mom, but it's important to take a deep breath and know you've got this! We've spoke to a few veteran Mom's in our community and they shared some tips.
Best Remedies for Baby Gas Relief
Baby gas is very normal and almost all babies experience discomfort from gas at some point during infancy. We've put together some of the best remedies for helping your baby find relief from gas.
Seven Tips to Improve your Baby's Immune System
Our immune systems are what help prevent and fight disease. Now with the coronavirus pandemic it is important to build up our families immune systems to help prevent disease and infection.
A Message to Our Valued Customers
Colic Calm is dedicated to providing customer care and support during the coronavirus pandemic. Learn more about where you can find the relief your little one needs for colic, gas and reflux.
How to boost you baby’s immune system to avoid the common cold, flu and coronavirus
It’s that time of year again when the common cold, the flu and now, the coronavirus, are being spread throughout. How can you help to boost your baby’s immune system to fight off these illnesses?
So Many Infant Formulas, Which One to Choose for Colic, Gas & Reflux?
You may notice your baby typically shows symptoms of colic, gas, or bloating after feedings. If your little one is formula fed, or if you supplement breastfeeding with infant formula, one of the first things to examine is the type of formula you’re using.
Why Do Babies Get Hiccups?
Babies get hiccups, even in the womb. Baby hiccups are a completely normal occurrence, but can be more concerning for the parent than the child. What causes baby hiccups and when should you be concerned?