How to Soothe a Colicky Baby and What Works Best for Colic Relief?
Trying to calm a colicky baby has got to be one of the most challenging situations a new parent can face. Your baby is fed, healthy, but has been crying for hours for seemingly no reason at all and with no end in sight. It’s one of the worst feelings as a parent when you’re holding your crying baby and nothing you do can soothe them. What are some the best and proven remedies for colic that offer your baby (and you!) relief?
What causes colic?
The term colic can unfortunately become a “catchall” for a variety of behaviors or symptoms your child is exhibiting. You may notice your infant starts to cry for no clear reason (is not hungry, tired, and has a clean diaper), pulls up her legs and clenches her fists, has a hardened tummy, or may start and stop eating or reject bottle/nipple with bouts of screaming. According to this article, doctors typically diagnose a baby as having colic based on the “Rules of Three.” This means that the child has cried:
• For more than 3 hours a day
• For more than 3 days a week
• For more than 3 weeks
There is no clear answer as to what causes colic exactly. Your baby could have a sensitive stomach, have a nervous temperament, is easily overstimulated, may have been overfed, or simply have gas, just to name a few suspected causes. Since there is no official cause for colic, there is no “cure.” If you suspect colic, the first step is to have a conversation with your child’s pediatrician. It is also important to note that a fussy baby is not the same as a colicky baby. You can read more about identifying the differences here .
What are some colic remedies I can try?
There are a number of colic remedies you can put to the test with your little one. Be sure to give each one a fair chance before ruling it out. Babies take time to adjust and what didn’t work the first two times may just work the third time you give it a shot.
• Hold your baby – Colicky babies need to be held and know that you are responsive. Crying is a baby’s only way of communicating and when you pick her up, she knows that you are listening to her needs. You can also try using a baby carrier that allows you to comfort her and keep her close to you while keeping your arms free.
• Create a calm environment – Try using a sound machine, lowering the lights, singing, playing soft music, or anything else that is soothing.
• Try gripe water – A natural colic remedy may offer relief when administered in the evening or just before the time when your baby typically experiences a bout of colic. Many parents swear by gripe water or gas drops, and the relief it provides for a variety of symptoms that may be related to colic. Colic Calm’s eight, natural active homeopathic ingredients are blended together to benefit infant colic-related symptoms and have been selected for their gentle effectiveness and safety. You can read more about these ingredients here .
• If you suspect it’s gas related – Try switching formulas, watching what you eat if you breastfeed, burping your baby frequently during feedings, or tummy massage. Probiotics have also been shown to help curb gas and bloating. By administering a daily probiotic, you can help rebalance your baby’s delicate digestive system.
• Other remedies for colic relief – Try using a pacifier, swaddle your baby, or go for a walk or drive for a change of scenery.
There are even some things you can remember to do for yourself during this time. Sometimes we get so caught up in taking care of our little one, we forget to tend to ourselves. Hearing a baby cry for hours on end can take an emotional toll. Remember to:
• Take a break – Even though you desperately want your baby to stop crying, set her down and take 10-15 minutes to take a quick shower or catch your breath. You’ll both be better for it. If you have someone to watch your baby, take the opportunity to do something for yourself or go somewhere outside of the home. If there are two parents at home, spilt the time with your baby evenly so you both get time to yourselves.
• Talk to a friend/parent – Sometimes empathizing with a friend, a fellow mom or dad, or even your own parent, can help.
• Get help – Don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor, health professional, or find a local support group.
Take notice of what works for you and your baby. It may take some time, but you will figure it out together. The good news is that colic is just another phase your little one will eventually grow out of, and you will look back at this time as another milestone of parenthood you have achieved.