In A Few Minutes Our Stomach Aches Were Gone Like Magic!
Jessica is a busy mom of three beautiful kids (Vincent 7, Aviana 3, Talia, 1).
She knew early on that Aviana (who she lovingly calls her “High Maintenance Child”) was going to have some challenges.
She spent her first month of life in the NICU, and also had significant issues with reflux and GERD. Unfortunately, she was also diagnosed with colic at the same time. Aviana’s first week of life was far from blissful. Feeding Aviana was one of the first challenges they encountered. They used many of the popular over-the-counter medications to help her fragile digestive system, with very little success, though. Jessica also changed the formula they were feeding Aviana on several occasions until she was able to find the right one that accommodated her specific needs. There were several setbacks, but stayed hopeful that everything would come together. She knew the answer was out there, so she went out on her own mission to find her cure.
Like many of our Colic Calm parents, The Gandy's scoured the web for their much needed answer. Jessica knew that there were other parents like her out there, and she was determined to find them. Then she located a forum for colicky babies, and that is where she first found mention of Colic Calm. She loved that it was homeopathic, and she appreciated that it was a natural solution to soothe her baby’s condition. She and her husband were reassured when they viewed the testimonial videos together, and quickly made their first purchase. Any lingering skepticism quickly dissipated after the first dose.
Jessica started giving Aviana Colic Calm up to 4 times daily, always after feeding and before bed. She had challenges sleeping through the night until she was 18 months old and Colic Calm was always stationed by her bedside. Jessica found that it was great for her hiccups and upset tummy as well. As an extra bonus, she found that it helped her and her husband with their upset stomach, saying “in a few minutes our stomach aches were gone like Magic!”
Aviana is now a happy and thriving 2 ½ year old. Colic Calm is still the go-to solution for every member of their family. The sweet taste of Colic Calm is a hit with Vincent (7) and Talia (1), too. Looking back now she describes the pre-Colic Calm days as just dreadful. It was impossible to get Aviana to sleep, and recalls many sleepless nights on her couch. Now that those times are of the past she is enjoying a happy new routine. Jessica and her husband call themselves the spokesmen of Colic Calm. They are determined to help other parents with their knowledge and experience. They are huge fans, and we sure love having them as members of our extended Colic Calm family!