Victoria and Baby Louella
Victoria was looking forward to becoming a 2nd time mom. She already had a son Rhett and couldn’t wait to welcome her daughter Louella. When they brought Louella home
Janelle and Nolan
Janelle’s 2nd baby, Nolan was always a good sleeper until he was about 4-5 months old. “Nolan suddenly began waking up several times a night gassy and uncomfortable.”
Twins Leah & Chaya, Their Big Sister and Mom Deborah
Preparing for one new baby can be very exciting but preparing for two takes it to a whole new level! Deborah however was not prepared for the digestive discomforts of Leah and Chaya, her twin baby girls. They had all the symptoms of colic and gas…their legs would go up to their chest and they would cry and scream.
Nolan and His Mom Brandi
First time mom Brandi had been warned by her friends that her newborn son, Nolan may experience gas pains. “Nolan had gas from the beginning, she told us, but it didn’t become painful for him until he hit 4 weeks and we were not prepared for what came next. “ “Those first few days were miserable for the little guy,
One Mom's Story: Suzette and Baby Seth Figgins
Second time mom Suzette, from South Africa, was thrilled to have her new baby, Seth Figgins. “When we got him home he was such an angel”, she told us. After about 4 weeks poor little Seth began having horrible tummy troubles, suffering with gas, upset tummy and colic.
One Mom's Story: Kayla and Her Daughter Riley
When Kayla brought her precious newborn baby home, she didn’t realize how difficult the first few weeks were going to be. Her little girl, Riley, would scream for hours every night and they had no idea why. Kayla told us, “We finally realized it was dairy and soy in my diet that was contributing to Riley’s discomfort.”
One Mom's Story: Busisiwe And Her Son Kuhlesibonge Moeng
After spending months preparing for the birth of her son, first time mom Busisiwe was not prepared for the long hours of Kuhlesibonge Moeng crying. Her beautiful new son was experiencing so much discomfort from colic and reflux and nothing she tried--not even the probiotic the doctor prescribed-- was providing any relief.
One Mom's Story: Falicia and Daughters Morgan and Haley
When we become parents for the first time, we find ourselves in a world of joy, love and self-doubt. As mothers, we want to make sure that we are doing everything we possibly can for our children, and we do.
One Mom's Story: Catherine and Baby Jacob
Catherine thought she knew what she was in for when bringing her newborn home. Jacob was Catherine’s second baby, so she had prepared herself for the endless feeding sessions and the mountains of diapers that would need changing. She was also ready for the snuggling and love that a newborn brings. However, she was not prepared for
One Mom's Story: Colleen and Baby Augusta
Colleen and her husband shared pure bliss when they brought their first child, a daughter named Augusta Marie, home from the hospital. Life was good, the baby was perfect and they journeyed on to this new stage of life called Parenthood. However, about five weeks into it, something happened. Augusta cried