How to Swaddle Your Baby
When your baby is a newborn, he or she loves anything that reminds them of their nine months in utero. Swaddling is a traditional practice that helps to soothe babies by keeping them snug and secure like they were in the womb. Babies are born with startling reflexes in their arms and legs when they are adjusting to the sounds and stimuli of the world around them. Swaddling prevents a newborn from startling and waking up.
Quick Solutions to Soothe a Fussy Baby
Is your baby inconsolably fussy often? Sometimes, when you can’t soothe your baby, it feels like you just can’t catch a break. It's important to know a variety of soothing techniques before your baby gets fussy to minimize frustration. Here are a few solutions to try!
Baby Teething Remedies
As a mother, it can be both frustrating and distressing to hear your child cry in pain while teething. If you’re looking for a solution to soothe your baby’s sore gums, you’ve come to the right place. Today, we’re going to address the symptoms and management of teething.
5 Ways to Smoothly Adjust to Postpartum Life
Amidst the pressure you’re probably experiencing to return to “normal” at the drop of a hat, we want to encourage you with a realistic list of ways to successfully manage your new life with your baby. Here are five tips for a smooth adjustment to postpartum life.
Energy-Boosting Tips for Moms of Newborns
Figuring out your new life with a newborn can be exhausting. It can be difficult to balance daily house chores, work, and social life while you’re learning to take care of your little one. Taking care of your newborn can be draining and leave you with little to no energy.
To help you along your postpartum journey, we’ve put together a list of energy-boosting solutions.
Homemade Baby Wipes Recipe
Between diapers, wipes, bottles, formula, clothing and everything in between, purchasing everyday items for your baby can get expensive. Have you ever wondered if there was a way to cut down the cost of baby items?
Read today's blog to learn how to make homemade baby wipes and significantly cut the cost of traditional baby wipes.
Essentials for Traveling with Baby via Airplane
Traveling with your baby can be exciting and intimidating. For a smooth and successful trip, you’ll need to prepare ahead of time and be sure you have all the items necessary. You will also want to be sure that you’re not overpacking. Today, we want to share our tips for traveling with baby via airplane along with a list of essential items to pack and what to leave behind.
5 Tips to Soothe a Gassy Baby
If your baby frequently experiences gassiness, you’re not alone. A gassy baby is very common and normal, especially during the newborn stages of life. Trying to console a baby with these symptoms can be frustrating. Luckily, there are several tips and tricks for soothing your gassy baby. And, we are here to help! Here are five of our top tips to soothe your little one’s digestive discomfort.
Identifying and Treating IBS in Children
Does your child often complain about having stomach pain and diarrhea? Do they hardly touch their food at dinnertime? At random points in the day, do they have a sudden and urgent need to use the bathroom? These symptoms may have led you to ask the question: Could my child be experiencing irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?
Should I Give My Child Probiotics?
Probiotics are popular in today’s day and age. It seems that everyone is either taking them or talking about them. Many adults have a bottle of probiotic capsules in their fridge or medicine cabinet. But what about children? Are probiotics equally as beneficial for children as they are adults? In this post, we’ll explore the use of probiotics in children.