Quick Solutions to Soothe a Fussy Baby
Is your baby inconsolably fussy often? Sometimes, when you can’t soothe your baby, it feels like you just can’t catch a break. On top of the exhaustion, you also may experience feelings of inadequacy as a parent when you are unable to console your unhappy child.
It's important to know a variety of soothing techniques before your baby gets fussy to minimize frustration. It’s also important to know that your baby's crying has nothing to do with your value as a parent. Babies cry to communicate, but they also cry to stretch their muscles and burn off excess energy. If you are doing your best to provide for your baby’s needs, you are doing an amazing job at parenting!
If your baby is having a fussy day (or week), here are a few solutions to try:
• Go for a drive.
Many parents say that going for a drive helps to soothe their fussy infant almost instantly. Babies love the smooth vibrations of a car ride and often fall asleep.
Buckle your child into their car seat and give them a toy to play with or a pacifier. To extend your drive time, go through a drive-thru for coffee and enjoy the scenery while your baby experiences relief.
• Go for a walk outside.
Sometimes a little fresh air is all your baby (and you) need to “reset”. Put your baby in the stroller and go for a walk around the block. Just as the motion in the car soothes your fussy infant, the motion in the stroller may also put your baby to sleep.
• Walk around the house.
If it’s too hot outside or if you don’t want to go for a drive, try walking around the house with your baby. Try lightly bouncing your baby while walking around. You can also put your baby in the stroller and walk around inside of your home.
• Rock in a rocking chair.
The combination of the motion of a rocking chair and the close contact with you, the caretaker, helps to soothe a fussy baby. If you want your baby to go to sleep, turn the lights out and sing softly to him or her.
• Play rhythmic white noise or sound.
Sometimes, babies just need to be distracted by something. The sound of white noise can distract a baby’s mind and help him or her to calm down. Try a white noise app that specializes in soothing baby noises, such as Sound Sleeper.
• Sing a song.
There’s a reason why so many baby lullabies exist – they often work to soothe distressed babies. Rock you baby and sing a song, regardless of your musical capabilities. Your baby will love to hear your voice!
Physical Contact
• Burp to relieve trapped gas bubbles.
Your baby may be fussy due to trapped gas bubbles in his or her digestive tract. Burp your baby for 10-15 minutes to see if it eases the crying.
• Provide skin-to-skin contact.
Skin-to-skin contact with your baby can have an almost immediate calming effect. Your heartbeat, smell, and voice are familiar to your newborn, so these sensations can quickly calm a fussy baby.
• Try a warm bath.
On the note of skin-to-skin contact, you may also want to try to take a warm bath with your little one. If you don’t want to bathe, you can always bathe your baby on his or her own. Not all babies enjoy baths, but if yours does, this is a great way to soothe him or her.
• Gently massage the back or chest.
Sometimes, all your baby needs is a quick five-minute massage. Massages can help push trapped gas through the baby’s digestive tract, providing relief.
• Swaddle your baby.
Wrap your baby like a little burrito. This instantly soothes many babies. The swaddled blanket provides them with a secure feeling, like the feeling of being in utero. Watch this video to learn three ways to swaddle a baby.
• Try Colic Calm.
Colic Calm and Colic Calm Plus help to soothe a fussy baby almost instantly by reducing a baby’s discomfort associated with colic, infant gas, stomach pain, hiccups, teething, and reflux. Colic Calm and Colic Calm Plus combine safe and effective remedies that gently encourage a baby’s body to heal itself.
Relief for You
If nothing seems to work and you’re becoming frustrated, take a break. A fussy baby can be tough to handle, especially when you’re physically and mentally exhausted. Here are a few tips to keep your cool around your fussy baby when they just can’t seem to calm down:
• Let your baby cry alone for 10 to 15 minutes.
◦ Do household chores or a short task that will help clear your head.
◦ Check-in on your baby after 15 minutes is up, but do not pick your baby up until you have calmed down.
• Take a deep breath and count to 10.
• Call and friend or family member and explain your frustrations to them – venting it out can help.
Know your limits. A fussy baby can be frustrating at times for everyone. Don’t be afraid to take a break when you can’t keep calm. However, if you feel frustrated or sad for prolonged periods of time and can’t seem to break out of a negative headspace, reach out to your healthcare provider as you may be experiencing postpartum depression. Call the Postpartum Depression Helpline at 1-800-944-4773 if you need immediate help.