Energy-Boosting Tips for Moms of Newborns
Figuring out your new life with a newborn can be exhausting. It can be difficult to balance daily house chores, work, and social life while you’re learning to take care of your little one. Taking care of your newborn can be draining and leave you with little to no energy.
To help you along your postpartum journey, we’ve put together a list of energy-boosting solutions.
1. Start the day with a protein and complex carbohydrate-rich breakfast.
a. Filling your belly with protein and carbohydrate complex foods in the morning is essential to boosting your energy levels. Consuming simple carbohydrates or sugars will cause your blood sugar to spike and then crash, which leaves you feeling tired and sluggish. On the other hand, complex carbohydrates and proteins will help you feel fuller for longer.
b. For a healthy, filling breakfast, try a smoothie with real fruit and yogurt, scrambled eggs and avocados or whole-grain toasts and cereals.
2. Put off dieting until you’re cleared by a doctor.
a. It can be tempting to begin dieting as soon as your baby is born to try and shed the extra pounds. However, in order to maintain energy and be able to nurse your baby, you’ll need an additional 500 calories a day. This may seem like a lot, but your body is working overtime to produce milk and so the extra calories are necessary.
b. Once your milk supply is well-established and you have fully recovered from pregnancy and childbirth, your doctor or healthcare provider will let you know that it is safe to work on weight loss. Once your provider gives you the green light, aim to lose a pound and a half a week. Be sure to give yourself six months to a year to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight.
3. Drink a lot of water.
a. Drinking water is very important when it comes to keeping your energy levels high. If you’re breastfeeding, you’ll need 13 8-ounce glasses of water or unsweetened, noncaffeinated beverages a day. Always keep a water bottle with a straw with you for ease of access. Bring the water bottle with you wherever you go so that you can drink throughout the day and stay hydrated wherever you are.
4. Watch your caffeine and sugar intake.
a. Although it can be very easy to pour yourself a cup of coffee or snack on candy when you need a quick boost, be sure that you’re not relying on caffeinated drinks and candy to keep you going throughout the day. Though you’ll get a quick boost of energy, your energy levels will crash, leaving you feeling even more tired than before.
b. It’s also worth noting that caffeine can make your baby irritable and restless if you have over 300 milligrams a day. Be sure to limit your intake to two 8-ounce cups of coffee daily.
5. If you’re craving sugar, eat fruit.
a. If you do want a quick boost without the energy crash and burn effects of caffeine and candy, eat a piece of fruit. Fruit is high in fiber, so it will give you a burst of energy without the crash later.
b. Apples, oranges, peaches, pears and other high-fiber fruits also keep your digestive tract in motion. Fruit also requires little prep work and is easy to eat on-the-go.
6. Learn to say “no”.
a. If you’re invited to an event that you’re not 100% excited for, or if family and friends want to visit your new baby but you’re just not ready, learn to say “no”. Sometimes, these events can be extremely draining, especially in the early stages of parenthood when you’re just getting your bearings. Don’t be afraid to put things off until a later date when you can show up with plenty of energy!
7. Be kind to yourself.
a. It can be easy to become critical of yourself as a new mom. Your body isn’t what it used to be, you’re getting very little sleep and your postpartum hormones are raging, making a stable mood almost impossible.
b. Write positive affirmations on notecards and tape them to your bathroom mirror or someplace else where you’ll see it daily. These positive notes will help to lift your mood and help you keep everything in perspective.
8. Give your baby Colic Calm.
a. While this tip isn’t for you directly, it can help you gain more sleep and sanity. If your newborn is crying vigorously for long periods of time and experiences disrupted sleep patterns, he or she may have colic. Colic Calm, the #1 selling gripe water alternative for infant gas and colic, can reduce your baby’s symptoms in five minutes or less. By limiting your newborn’s crying and increasing his or her sleep time, you’ll gain peace of mind and sleep time for yourself.
9. Take a nap.
a. Though the above tips are helpful, sometimes the only thing that can truly make you feel better when exhausted is a good nap. You can even rest your eyes for a few minutes and take a “cat nap” to see if your energy levels return.
While the early days of motherhood can make you feel like you're turning into a “mombie” (mom-zombie), there are several ways to keep your energy levels in check. Try a few of the solutions we suggested and let us know how they work for you!