Health and Wellness
June 9, 2010| Posted in Health and Wellness| Colic Calm| 3379
Your Baby's Poop--How do You Know What's Healthy?
Everything You Need to Know About Your Baby from Birth to Age Two
June 4, 2010| Posted in Health and Wellness| Colic Calm| 759
Stressed? Try Homeopathy.
Your baby has colic, and you have had many a sleepless night, pacing your home, bouncing a crying baby up and down and perhaps shedding a few tears as well. As a result, I'm willing to bet you're pretty darn stressed.
June 3, 2010| Posted in Health and Wellness| Colic Calm| 1244
Doulas-Do You Need One?
I tried to approach childbirth with an open mind--I had an easy pregnancy; hopefully labor would be the same. If I needed an epidural, fine, but I would try to go without. As anyone who has given birth knows, it's great to have these "ideas" but one needs to go with the flow.