Colic and Infant Reflux
Coping with Crybabies
the author of the review says that, "While most of the advice they give is scientifically based, they include some techniques such as Bach flowers
Pre-Natal Yoga for Your Mind and Body
During my first pregnancy, I had a very conservative OB who told me I needed to limit the exercises that I did (running and surfing), especially during my first trimester. Since this was my first pregnancy, I listened.
Determining the Correct Dosage
Every baby is different so a little trial and error is sometimes needed. On the box is says to give up to 1/2 teaspoon but many babies find relief with just a 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon. I [Cyndra] would start out by giving Colic Calm on an "as needed basis", as the baby starts to cry.
Babies and Hiccups--What Gives?
all kinds of listings pop up. It's amazing how many new parents want to know why their babies get the hiccups. If you're a mother, you probably remember that while you were pregnant, your baby could hiccup with what seemed like forever. Why do they do this?
Removing those Stains
Works every time, I swear. And, it not only works for carbon stains, it's a must have for the inevitable explosion that your little one will have. You know what I'm talking about.
Gripe Waters-Do They Work?
Colic Calm is the only FDA registered “gripe water” on the market. Colic is caused from gas being stuck in the stomach as well as the intestines. The baby can not relieve the gas, therefore, making him/her uncomfortable which results in unstoppable crying. Colic Calm contains carbon, which is proven to attract gas. As the harmless carbon travels through the baby’s stomach and intestines, it picks up the gas, therefore, relieving the baby. Voila--you end up with a laughing baby instead of a crying one. Something everyone is thankful for.
Administering Prevacid and Zantac to Newborns
I guess I’ve been living in a cave because I had no idea that newborns were being prescribed Zantac and Prevacid to help control their reflux.
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