Colic and Infant Reflux
So Many Infant Formulas, Which One to Choose for Colic, Gas & Reflux?
You may notice your baby typically shows symptoms of colic, gas, or bloating after feedings. If your little one is formula fed, or if you supplement breastfeeding with infant formula, one of the first things to examine is the type of formula you’re using.
Why Do Babies Get Hiccups?
Babies get hiccups, even in the womb. Baby hiccups are a completely normal occurrence, but can be more concerning for the parent than the child. What causes baby hiccups and when should you be concerned?
Gripe Water- A Brief History
Gripe water has long been a home remedy to treat gastrointestinal discomfort, colic, teething and other pains in infants. Colic Calm, the leader in colic relief, is unlike traditional gripe waters because of its natural-active ingredients.
The Benefits of Colic Calm
Colic Calm® is a unique homeopathic remedy formulated to calm the discomfort and irritation caused by colic, gas, stomach pain, teething, hiccups and reflux.
What is the difference between a “fussy baby” and a “colicky baby?”
Parents often mistake fussiness for colic. Understanding the difference between a colicky baby and a fussy baby can help ease this phase of life.
Do Babies Need Reflux Medication?
When a friend of mine had her second child, I found out what simple "spitting up" could really be. Her son spit-up like nobody's business--it was forceful and there was A LOT of it.
What is Craniosacral Therapy and How Does it Help with Colic?
Craniosacral therapy--it's a mouthful, and if you're like most people, you may have no idea what it is. But, for those of you with a colicky baby, tune in,
Is Colic "Normal?"
A recent Canadian study states that colic is normal--that not just babies, but every mammal, goes through it. However, pediatric chiropractor Dr. Chris Chlebowski, who specializes in colic, disagrees.
Colic--Telling it Like it Is
The author point blank talks about how awful colic is, how hard it can be to bond with a baby
Breastfeeding and Colic
why would do something that was so good for your baby, cause something so terrible as colic? I continued
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