Colic Calm
One Mom's Story: Kelly and Baby Jack
For first time mom Kelly, having a baby didn't go exactly as planned. Jack came early--he was born at a mere 34 weeks. So, for Kelly's first month as a mother, she was in the NICU.
One Mom’s Story: Taneshia and Baby Harleen
For Taneshia, the newborn thing wasn’t too much to handle—baby Harleen was her fourth child so she was used to the sleepless nights
One Mom's Story: Melanie and Baby Avery
When Avery was born, second time mom Melanie thought she had the dreaded colic. As Melanie says, “Poor Avery would scream and all we could do was hold her and walk around..
Bottled Water: Do We Need It?
My family is a household of bottled water drinkers. Although we're adamant about using reusable water bottles (recently, we had three cases of 12 ounce bottles delivered to us as a promo and it was embarrassing
One Mom's Story: Heidi and Baby Chloe
For Heidi, a resident of Westford, MA, being a new mom was tough--she was alone during the night because her fiance worked--there wasn't anyone there to pass the newborn to so Heidi could get some downtime.
Do You Know What's in Your Baby's Bath Products?
today I read about contaminants in bath products. Now, I don't live in a cave. Not only am I the Editor of this site, but I also co-run a site for moms
One Mom’s Story: Amber and her Twins Ava and Leah
Imagine the surprise when you find out you're pregnant--now magnify that when the ultrasound shows TWO little babies instead of one! First time mom Amber, from San Dimas, CA went through those exact emotions.
Midwives versus OB's--Which Should You Get?
When I was pregnant with my first child, I never "bonded" with my OB. Each time I had an appointment, I felt that she didn't know who I was,
Whooping Cough-It’s a Reality
If you've picked up a parenting magazine recently, you've seen the ad for the whooping cough vaccination.
Understanding Sunscreen
what's the best, what SPF do you really need, and what ingredients to look for.