One Mom’s Story: Taneshia and Baby Harleen
For Taneshia, the newborn thing wasn’t too much to handle—baby Harleen was her fourth child so she was used to the sleepless nights and ‘round the clock feedings. But when her daughter started to cry uncontrollably, that’s when Taneshia felt hopeless. Even worse, she had no family or friends to help her— Taneshia recently moved from her hometown of Richmond, Virginia to Maryland. Comfort and help were four hours away and life was hard. As Taneshia puts it, “My life was not a life before I found Colic Calm, I did not know what sleep was and I found myself crying a lot because my daughter seemed to be in a grave amount of pain. I have not had any children go through
colic before so I was very new to how much a child suffering could cry for hours nonstop; she was very miserable and it left me desperate and distraught.” Taneshia found that she was constantly at the pharmacy trying to find something, anything to help her baby. She had suspected that Harleen had colic, so she went down the pharmacy shelf, trying Lil' Tummy’s Gripe Water and Gas Drops, Woodward’s Gripe Water, and Mylicon Gas Drops—all to no avail. Then she stumbled upon Colic Calm. Taneshia says that Colic Calm “. . . appealed to me because it was the only gripe water without baking soda and it contained all natural ingredients.” Harleen was four weeks old when Taneshia first gave it to her, and the formula worked like magic. Taneshia now gives her a dose of Colic Calm after every feeding--Harleen is no longer in pain, and the crying has stopped. Recently, Harleen was also diagnosed with GERD. Taneshia says, “. . . she [Harleen] has been placed on Zantac, however, she still cannot be soothed or even sleep until I have given her a dose of the wonderful magical Colic Calm!” Taneshia is now spreading the Colic Calm love—her 18 month old niece is taking it to help with the pain of teething! Taneshia ends her interview with this comment, “THANK YOU SO MUCH Colic Calm. You saved me and my daughter and we are now free to enjoy one another as we should be!” Taneshia, we’re so glad to help! Are you a Colic Calm user and would like to share your story? Just let us know by leaving a comment below and we’ll be in touch! As a thank you, Colic Calm will send you one bottle when your story goes live.