One Mom's Story: Kelly and Baby Jack
For first time mom Kelly, having a baby didn't go exactly as planned. Jack came early--he was born at a mere 34 weeks. So, for Kelly's first month as a mother, she was in the NICU. Kelly describes that first month like this, "Jack was in the NICU for his first two weeks of life. If that wasn’t hard enough, when he got home he was in terrible pain because of his reflux. Whether I nursed him or supplemented with formula, nothing helped. He was so small and all I wanted was for him to be able to eat and keep food down. If he wasn’t crying, he was sleeping. It was devastating to me because I didn’t know how to relieve his pain. I felt awful because the only way to relieve his pain was to try to get him to go back to sleep. I spent countless hours walking and bouncing, walking and bouncing. He couldn’t even just sit with you. I went to the doctor and called the nurse numerous times. I was prescribed Zantac and Axid and neither worked at all. " It's easy to imagine the nightmare that Kelly was living. Because Jack was born before
term, his digestive system was immature and reflux comes with the territory. With that reflux, the spitting up isn't the problem, it's the pain that comes as a result of spitting up. So Jack was always hurting. He also had irregular bowel movements, which caused gas and the combination of the two left him crying 24/7. One night, when Jack was eight weeks old, Kelly says she was, ". . . desperate to find a solution to Jack’s reflux and constant crying and pain. After going to the doctor multiple times and being given prescriptions that just didn’t work, I Googled colic remedies and Colic Calm came up. Since it's active ingredients were natural and it was registered with the FDA, I figured it was worth a shot. I ran it past my pediatrician and he said that all of the ingredients were safe and if it worked, to feel free to give it to Jack." What happened next? Kelly replies, "I will always remember the first time I gave Jack Colic Calm because it was the first time that he smiled. He was absolutely relieved. My Mom couldn’t believe it either. We gave him Colic Calm and he looked up at both of us and gave us his first genuine smile. It was the first time also that he just sat still and was able to focus. I immediately bought two more bottles right away." Colic Calm did exactly that--calmed Jack down. He became regular with his poops, it relieved his gas, and took away the pain associated with his reflux. Now that Jack is five months old, Kelly thinks he's growing out of his reflux, which is fabulous. She had stopped giving him Colic Calm until just recently, she pulled the bottle out again. Kelly says, "We actually had not used Colic Calm in about a month. . . that was until his teething started really bothering him. He’d be fine one minute and in crying pain the next. I had been giving him Tylenol for when he was in a lot of pain but I don’t like giving it to him too much. I remembered reading that Colic Calm helped with teething so again, I figured it was worth a shot. I was actually on the last bit of my last bottle. The Colic Calm actually calmed him down, he smiled when he took it and he was happy again. Granted, his teeth were still uncomfortable most likely but it seemed to take the edge off which is exactly what I wanted. Colic Calm now gives me the option of taking the edge off of the teething pain without medicating him. I love it!" In closing, Kelly sums her experience up. "I went at least 8 weeks feeling like Jack would never get relief from his pain. . .waiting for that first smile. Colic Calm gave that to me. I am so grateful to Colic Calm for that. Now I can’t imagine Jack being like that again. Colic Calm helped him enjoy life. . . and it helped us be able to bond with Jack and enjoy life a little more as well. My husband and I often joke around “remember THOSE days.”" Are you a Colic Calm user and would like to share your story? Just let us know by leaving a comment below and we’ll be in touch! As a thank you, Colic Calm will send you one bottle when your story goes live.