One Mom’s Story: Amber and her Twins Ava and Leah
Imagine the surprise when you find out you're pregnant--now magnify that when the ultrasound shows TWO little babies instead of one! First time mom Amber, from San Dimas, CA went through those exact emotions. Now, think about when those babies come--not only was Amber dealing with her new role as a mom, but she's also figuring out things like changing a diaper (two at a time) and breastfeeding (again, two at a time!). Emotions run high. Now add to the mix the fact that the babies are colicky. Oh the fun! At this point, I would be put over the edge. Amber says that both of her girls seemed to have colic and reflux. She talked to her pediatrician about it and was simply told she'd have to wait it out--that the twins would eventually outgrow their colic. To which Amber says, "Not what you want to hear when they are only one month old and you are majorly sleep deprived." As for the reflux? The pediatrician calls them
"happy spit uppers." Again, not the answer Amber was looking for. She describes the experience like this, "Our daughter Ava had the worst of the tummy issues. I exclusively breastfeed and I just felt so bad. I thought that I would bypass all these issues since they were getting breast milk only. Not the case! Poor Ava would just scream her head off. She would get so worked up that she would be sweating! She is such a mellow baby and it hurt us so much when she was obviously in so much pain." Amber tried everything--gripe waters made the girls gag and throw up. Mylicon seemed to make the symptoms worse. Though their pediatrician seemed blase about the whole thing, Amber was severely sleep deprived--and determined to find a solution. She searched and searched on the internet, and kept coming back to the Colic Calm website. She says, "Everyone was raving about it [Colic Calm] and I figured it was worth a shot. People can complain about spending the money but I felt like we had already spent a ton on everything else that WASN'T working. The other gripe waters were torture just getting it down their throats. Most of it came back up anyway. They smelled awful too!" So when the girls were about a month old, Amber gave Colic Calm a shot. She says, "The girls took the Colic Calm so easily. It's like they knew it would help and they didn't mind the flavor at all. They would just suck it down so fast and instantly they were relaxed and most of the time they would go to sleep. It's like you could watch it work. They would go from screaming red faced sweaty babies to completely relaxed babies with black mouths--haha." (Because of the vegetable charcoal in Colic Calm, the solution is black. When it's administered to babies, they often get a black ring around their mouth.) Amber used it on a "as needed basis"--basically, when the girls' tummies would get hard, and they'd start to go on a crying binge, she and her husband would run for the bottle of Colic Calm. Today the twins are 15 weeks old and seem to have outgrown the colic. Amber says, "Their tummies have seemed to have gotten drastically better. We are crossing our fingers that we have gotten through the worst of it." We're hoping you have too, Amber! Are you a Colic Calm user and would like to share your story? Just let us know by leaving a comment below and we’ll be in touch! As a thank you, Colic Calm will send you one bottle when your story goes live.