What the heck did we get ourselves into!?
As new parents we kept thinking, ‘What the heck did we get ourselves into!?’ – that is, until we discovered Colic Calm.
At 3:30 a.m., Brittany White wandered in to her local drugstore, bleary eyed and desperate to find a gripe water to help her seven-week-old daughter, Kailyn, stop crying all through the night.
I was a complete mess. I took about three different products to the check out (not Colic Calm) and asked the cashier which was better. As we were comparing them, the lady behind us said, ‘Hey, you should try Colic Calm!’ She explained how well it worked for her and her friend so I put the other products back and bought the Colic Calm,” Brittany recounted. “I remember saying I would try one of the others because the Colic Calm was pricey. She told me it was well worth the price...and it definitely was!”
After about a day of using it, Brittany noticed how much better Kailyn felt after having a dose. She gave it to her baby after feedings or when she became fussy during the day, and also every single night before bed.
“Prior to Colic Calm my husband and I dreaded night time. As new parents we kept thinking, ‘What the heck did we get ourselves into!?’ We would even try mentally preparing ourselves by accepting that Kailyn was going to cry all night, but we still had several nights that we let the situation get the best of us,” Brittany said. “It was hard because we didn't know what was wrong and as new parents you think you're going to be able to do everything right the first time.
Brittany felt like she was failing as a mother, and wanted to make things better for her baby. “I think I even cried several times in disappointment in myself for not being a good mom.”
“Some nights we would get so frustrated and be so exhausted that my husband and I would fight and criticize one another for not knowing how to make Kailyn stop crying. We tried everything…swaddling, shushing, singing, swings,” she added. She had never treated anything with homeopathic products, not even for herself.
I remember the night I first gave her the Colic Calm. After about 15-20 of the very first dose, her full blown scream turn into a mild whine. My husband rocked her for a while and I ended up giving her a second dose an hour later, then she fell fast asleep. An hour after that I was rocking her and once again found myself crying...except this time they were tears of joy! I had finally done something right. I had finally figured out why my baby was crying, and I fixed it! That was my first ‘I feel like I'm a good mom’ moment!”
Kailyn is now 14 months old, and still takes Colic Calm as needed. Brittany has even given it to her newborn daughter, Kendall because she gets bothersome-sorry for the delay hiccups and air in her tummy. “It really helps soothe her, too.”