Tips to keep your baby warm this winter
It’s that time of year again when temperatures are fast approaching freezing (if they aren’t already there!). A common challenge that those living in cooler climates will face is how to keep your little one(s) cozy and warm through the long winter days. In colder temps it is difficult for babies to regulate their body temperature which makes them more susceptible to colds, flu, and viruses. Following proper safety precautions once it’s below freezing or windchills are high will make all the difference in keeping your little one safe and warm.
Infants lose heat faster than adults and they also lack the ability to increase heat by shivering to warm back up. So, what are some ways to keep your baby warm this winter? Read on for expert tips on what to do in those frigid winter days and nights.
Layer Up
Just like you would dress yourself in layers to warm up or cool down you want to extend that same philosophy to dressing your child. A good rule of thumb to follow is if you have layers on, your baby should have layers on. Dressing in layers allows you to adjust to their needs. The bottom layer can be snug, like leggings and a bodysuit. Top that with pants and a long sleeve shirt and then finish with a jacket, hats, mittens, and warm booties to keep hands and feet warm.
If you’re going somewhere by car, make sure you remove any bulky layers before putting your child into their car seat. You don’t want them to overheat or have clothing interfere with their safety.
At night things can get a bit more complicated because sleeping with blankets is not recommended for babies under a year old. Experts suggest layering up with safe alternatives like warm pajamas, wearable blankets and flannel fitted sheets.
Baby Wearing
The principle of “huddling for warmth” is what applies when we suggest baby wearing in those cooler months. Infant carriers are a great way to use your body heat to provide the extra coziness needed in the cooler weather. Make sure their head and feet are covered so they’re not losing heat and if you’re walking outside be careful of ice.
Preheat the Crib
If your house is too cold, consider preheating their crib to create a warm and cozy sleep space. Place a hot water bottle or a heating pad over the crib sheet for at least 30 minutes before you put your baby down. Don’t forget to remove it before laying your baby down to avoid overheating or burns.
Swaddling your baby in the cold winter days gives them extra warmth and also helps to soothe them. Wrap your baby in a thick swaddling blanket for their naps or at night (before they can roll over) is a good way to keep them snuggly.
Hydrate Skin
Wind chill and dry heat indoors can zap moisture from skin, and your baby’s delicate skin is especially vulnerable. We recommend applying a moisturizer at bedtime every night and before layering up to go outside. All our Mom’s on staff recommend Tubby Todd Everyday Lotion and All Over Ointment.
A humidifier is another great way to help hydrate baby skin during the cold months. We recommend the Canopy Nursery Bundle to ensure sweet dreams for those cold nights.
Best practices with an infant are to limit their exposure to the elements and extreme temperatures. If your baby start shivering, changes color (cold and red, or pale and hard), bring them inside right away. Use warm washcloths to gently reheat the skin and put on warm, dry clothes. Call a doctor right away if your infant isn’t improving within a few minutes or is lethargic, non-responsive and has blue lips or face.