The Benefits of Joining a Mommy & Me Group
When you become a parent, especially a primary caregiver, it is a massive change in your world. Between not knowing what you’re doing and wanting to get things right, parenthood can be accompanied by a lot of anxiety. The good news is that you don’t have to go at parenthood alone!
Mommy & Me groups provide the opportunity to meet other new Mom, which has important benefits for your health, physically and mentally and positive impacts for your baby.
On the outside, Mom groups might seem like a lot of coffee (or wine) and laughter, but this points to something very important. Social isolation after birth is a risk factor associated with post-partum depression and anxiety (PPD). So, while these mom groups might just seem like a social get together, it is fulfilling and important role in overall wellbeing by reducing stress, strengthening social bonds, and providing and outlet that you can share the highs and lows of motherhood with.
A major study done in Australia found that parents who regularly took part in groups when their children were younger than three were twice as likely to say that they enjoyed support from friends when their children were older. Which could have a lasting effect on the social benefits of your baby. Also, the people you meet when your child is young could turn into life-long friends. And in a pinch, you might find someone who could help babysit!
Another benefit of joining a mom’s group is creating a routine. Once your baby comes it can feel like the whole house is off kilter, especially if you were used to working fulltime. The adjustment to being home can be huge. Having a fixed weekly date where you and your little one attends a group can help you work into a routine together. As a bonus, research shows that having an activity mother and baby both enjoy is beneficial for all.
When you’re isolated you might wonder if your little one is hitting all their milestones. Joining a group activity will give you a way to keep your eye on how their progressing and see what they’re doing, or not doing, and can share that information with your pediatrician. The first years of are crucial to development for little ones. Here are some of the benefits for little ones that come from mommy and me classes:
1. Improved communication skills
2. Increased socialization opportunities
3. Improved motor skills
4. Enhanced cognitive development
5. Greater sense of self-confidence
6. Enhanced senses
7. Chance for enhanced bonding
As your little one grows, these groups will probably progress into play groups and play dates. All the skills that they learn in these settings will help get your little one used to activities in a community setting so their transition to school is smooth.