One Mom's Story: Shelley and Baby Kennley
Kennley was Shelley's second child, and as almost all second time moms do, Shelley felt that she had the newborn thing down. Problem was, Kennley was different than Shelley's first child. Shelley says, "My first baby wasn't colicky so I was so confused when Kennley would start crying around the same time EVERY DAY and wouldn't stop!" Shelley was breastfeeding, so she tried to eliminate certain foods from her diet to see if that would cause less fussiness with Kennley. "I tried to figure out what was bothering her by eliminating dairy, caffeine and chocolate. I saw no difference when I didn't have those things." Shelley was at her wit's end. Kennley was crying every night from
4:30 to bedtime, and seemed to be in so much pain. Shelley, ". . . had tried Mylicon and Gripe Water and they didn't seem to make any difference." Wanting to desperately help her baby (who was now four weeks old), Shelley turned to the computer for help. She describes it like this, "One night around 11 (after 6+ hours of crying) I was online doing some more research and found Colic Calm's website and found that CVS carries it in their stores and thankfully they are open 24 hours! I sent my husband to go get some right then! We gave her some and she was asleep within 20 minutes! I was amazed!" After that initial dose, Shelley would give Kennley Colic Calm at her 4:30 PM "witching hour." As Kennley got older, she would sometimes give it to her prior to feedings to prevent fussiness. Eventually, ". . . we kept using it less and less and now we use it rarely. Sometimes when I eat certain things her stomach gets upset so we give her a little. I love that it's a natural product and I feel safe giving it to her." Shelley finishes up her interview by saying, ". . . every time I've used Colic Calm I've witnessed it help her tummy and digestive tract feel better." We're so glad you found a solution to your baby's pain, Shelley! Are you a Colic Calm user and would like to share your story? Just let us know by leaving a comment below and we’ll be in touch! As a thank you, Colic Calm will send you one bottle when your story goes live.