One Mom's Story: Megan and Baby Greyson
I contacted Megan, who runs the blog, A Moment Like This, after reading her post on Facebook that Colic Calm worked like a charm for her baby, Greyson. Below, in her own words, is the story of Greyson and how Colic Calm helped soothe his cries. Before I found Colic Calm, I researched all kinds of gripe water used for infants. I was surprised to find ingredients in them used for reflux that weren't even recommended for babies or kids under five-years-old! I didn't want to give my baby something that could potentially be harmful to him, but I wanted to have something
on hand just in case I ever needed to give him relief. I had heard stories of babies crying for 3-4 hours non-stop at the same time every night, and since I never had that happen, I never considered Greyson to be really colicky. However, every now and then he would get really upset and cry at least 25-40 minutes in a single stretch. It was awful . . . even though it didn't happen every night or even every day, I still hated seeing him hurting and not being able to help him. During those episodes I tried everything I could to soothe him. I rocked, fed, bathed and burped him. I did infant massage, gave him gas drops and nothing seemed to calm him down. The gas drops I had worked sometimes, but I was always afraid to give them to him since I wasn't sure it was good for him or not. When I did use them, it was because my mom and I would talk ourselves into it, but only as a last resort. Sometimes Greyson would cry himself to sleep or finally, once he got some relief, he would eventually calm down on his own. Overall, my main goal was to find something that was natural--I didn't want to have to worry about what was in it. I also wanted something that would work for any symptom, since Greyson didn't have colic (as its classically defined anyways). When I found Colic Calm, I went over the entire website, saw that it was really the only FDA registered gripe water on the market, and concluded that this was exactly what I needed! I loved that it was for hiccups and gas, not just colic or reflux. The first time I gave it to him I was surprised that he enjoyed the taste--I wasn't so sure about the natural black color but he loved it! After that, if Greyson started crying from discomfort and nothing I seemed to do would work, we'd give him a dose and within a few minutes he was calm and sometimes asleep within a matter of minutes. We used it a lot those first few months and then as he started having better days and was sleeping through the night, we didn't have to use it at all. I thought we were done, but just recently we had a really bad episode! Greyson was cutting his 6th tooth and on top of that he was very uncomfortable. I wasn't sure which one he was crying about (teeth or general uncomfortableness) but he would scream, arch his back and fling his body away from us. It was the first time he was up in the middle of the night in months. After more than 20 minutes of his screaming, we decided to pull out the trusted Colic Calm. Literally, once again, it took about five minutes to calm him down and he was sleeping heavily a few minutes after that. I took him back to his crib and he finished out the night without so much as a whimper! Sometimes I know what is bothering him and am able to give him what he needs, but at the same time, during those moments when you don't know what to do, all you want is for your child to feel good and be okay. Colic Calm gives me the peace of mind that I need to make him feel better and it works every time!! Are you a Colic Calm user and would like to share your story? Just let us know by leaving a comment below and we’ll be in touch! As a thank you, Colic Calm will send you one bottle when your story goes live.