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One Mom's Story: Lisa and Baby Grady

One Mom's Story: Lisa and Baby Grady

First time mom, Lisa,was blessed with a happy, easy going boy, until evening fell. When the clock hit 7:00 PM, Lisa's baby boy (named Grady) turned into a crier. As she says, "some people may call that colic," but Lisa's gut was telling her no, something else was going on. She says, "Everything I was reading and the advice I had gotten from friends and family said that colic was excessive crying, fussing, etc. for extended periods. Grady was a tremendously happy baby almost all the time. He was very easy going all day until the evening. Now, I know the first thought that goes through people's minds is that 'all' babies are fussy around 7:00 (the witching hour, etc.). That's what my husband and I thought at first, so we let it go. We just tried to comfort him through it until he was ready for bed. After a couple nights, I knew it didn't have to be like that. He was so calm all day long, and his cry was more than just general unhappiness. My Mommy sense was telling me something wasn't right." Lisa explained the situation to Grady's pediatrician, but he

passed it off as normal and gave Lisa suggestions on soothing techniques. She states, "I spent a couple days worth of naps searching for anything that might help. I tried infant massage, warm baths, 'football' hold, 'running' his legs, gas drops, and anything I could find to try! Some of it worked for a short time, but eventually he would go back to screaming and clearly being uncomfortable when the evening rolled around.  It was really overwhelming." But Lisa didn't give up on the fact that she thought Grady's fussiness wasn't normal--she felt very strongly that something could be done about it. So she kept doing more and more research on what it could be. Lisa looked at the usual suspects--did he have a  milk-protein allergy? Was it reflux? Neither made any sense. The she found it. As Lisa says, "I saw Colic Calm on discussion boards and as ads on other boards. I finally went to their website and read it top to bottom. My husband was holding Grady, and I could hear him fussing while I was reading the last few FAQs and Testimonials. Someone else had a story similar to mine, and I knew I had to do something. I read about the ingredients individually and knew it wouldn't harm him. We had tried so many things! I went ahead and ordered it with my fingers crossed. There were no stores in my area that carried it, so I had to wait for shipping! It finally arrived, and the minute he started fussing, we gave him his first dose of Colic Calm. I was pretty unsure what we had gotten ourselves into with the very black liquid, but I didn't know what else to try. Within just a few minutes, we had our darling baby back! A little while later, he was able to pass some gas and didn't struggle or cry at all. He was relaxed, and we had a great night with NO MORE evening fussiness!" Today, Lisa says that Grady is still a very gassy baby. But she goes on to say,". . .but I see no reason to let my little Sweetness struggle when I can give him something natural that will take the discomfort away (for both of us). No mom wants to see their baby uncomfortable! To this day, he does not have crying episodes like we did in the beginning. His system is maturing more and more, but I still have Colic Calm around for the days when he needs a little more help." We're so glad you found your answer Lisa! Are you a Colic Calm user and would like to share your story? Just let us know by leaving a comment below and we’ll be in touch! As a thank you, Colic Calm will send you one bottle when your story goes live.