One Mom's Story: Denise and Her Children, Abby and Setha
Four years ago, when Denise had her daughter Abby, she got to know first hand the meaning of the word colic. Abby had it, and she had it bad. Denise says, “I remember when our daughter, Abby, started crying for longer stretches. I noticed how much she was in pain. I couldn’t quite pin-point the problem but I knew this was not right. My husband and I would take turns walking her around in hopes that she would stop crying. We’d bounce her on our knees, lay her on the bed and move her legs in a circular fashion to get the gas moving in her tummy--I even remember my husband putting her in his truck and driving around the neighborhood in the middle of the night. I would put her on the dryer in her car seat in hopes that the vibrations would calm her down. Well, none of those things worked. We were exhausted from being up all night with her and could sense her pain and discomfort. She cried more in the evenings and into the night. Her days weren’t so bad. We drew the line when her crying spell lasted 5 hours. We needed relief and fast!” So Denise and her husband tried to find that relief.
They went to the drugstore and bought every over-the-counter relief remedy that they could find. Denise states that, “After a month of trying OTC gas drops, prescription gas drops, and another brand of gripe water, my husband was doing some online research for colic. Colic Calm, popped up and I remember my husband printing out a “notebook” amount of information for me to read. I remember being a bit skeptic about it since it contained so many different herbal ingredients. But at this point my husband and I were at our wits end hoping for some relief for our daughter and us! We gave it a try and wish we would of found out about it sooner!” Fast forward to today, Denise's second child, Seth. When Seth was five weeks old, she saw the first signs of colic, and ran out to get the Colic Calm. “With our son we knew exactly what to give him when he would have gas problems. He has not had any long cry spells. Once he shows signs of discomfort we give him his dose and within minutes he is calm again.” Unfortunately, Seth was also diagnosed with reflux and prescribed Zantac. Although Denise keeps his prescription bottle handy, she rarely needs it, proclaiming that Colic Calm does the trick. Denise says, “I did find some relief in it but not like Colic Calm. It helped him more.” I asked Denise how often Colic Calm was used, and she answered, “With both kids I would give it before a feeding, particularly in the evening when it seemed they were the fussiest. Also I do administer it when I notice they are in extreme discomfort usually in the middle of the night. With both kids, I would give it 5-6 times a day.” Denise goes on to say, “It gives him [Seth] immediate comfort and he’s able to calm down and sleep. Sometimes the first dose will not be enough for him so I will wait 30 minutes and give him another. This usually does the trick and stops him from kicking and screaming. I also have an extra bottle in my diaper bag too!” Denise finishes her interview with, “I strongly believe in Colic Calm and with both of our kids we found that it relieved their discomforts within minutes. Sometimes a second dose was required but for the most part they both settled down in less than 5 minutes." We’re so glad you found a solution to your children’s colic—four years ago, and again, today! Are you a Colic Calm user and would like to share your story? Just let us know by leaving a comment below and we’ll be in touch! As a thank you, Colic Calm will send you one bottle when your story goes live.