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One Mom's Story: Brandy and Baby Joshua

One Mom's Story: Brandy and Baby Joshua

Sleep deprived--that's how Brandy describes her household before Colic Calm arrived. Joshua was Brandy's third child, and her first with colic and infant reflux. She was hit with a double whammy when he was born, and was at a loss on what to do. Brandy says, "Life before Colic Calm was so stressful! I had never had a baby with colic and didn't know what to do for him. He cried all day and all night from gas pains, and then he would spit up from being so upset and you could see the agony in his eyes, because it burned. Everyone including my other 2 children were sleep deprived because all Joshua did was cry." Joshua needed relief, and he needed it fast. By the time he was four weeks old Brandy had

tried Baby's Bliss Gripe water, Hyland's Colic Tablets, Boiron' Cocyntal and Peppermint water--none of which worked. As mentioned above, Joshua also had infant reflux, and she wanted to try something natural before putting him on prescribed medication. That's when Brandy's cousin Coleen saved the day. Coleen used Colic Calm on both of her girls (like Jacqueline--twice blessed!) and recommended the product to Brandy. "As soon as we bought Colic Calm we immediately administered it to Joshua and you could see the relief in his eyes!" says Brandy. When administering Colic Calm to Joshua, she says, "I started out with the .5ml before breastfeeding, but the relief didn't last long so I now give .5ml before and after feedings." Today, Joshua is seven weeks old and is still on Colic Calm. Brandy sums up her interview with, "Thank you for this product!" No problem Brandy, glad it helped. Are you a Colic Calm user and would like to share your story? Just let us know by leaving a comment below and we’ll be in touch! As a thank you, Colic Calm will send you one bottle when your story goes live.