One Mom's Story: Ashley and Baby Peyton
All babies cry, and all babies spit-up; as parents we know this. But when your newborn is waking up in pools of spit-up, is that what’s considered normal? Such was the case for first time mom Ashley and her son Peyton. For the first couple weeks of his life, Peyton was fine, but all of a sudden, he started spitting up uncontrollably after each feeding, which Ashley says, “. . . was quite often since he is breastfed.” Having to constantly clean spit-up is one thing, but when it interferes with your baby’s sleeping—which carries over into your sleeping—that’s another. Ashley describes life back then, “The poor little guy was so
uncomfortable that he couldn't even sleep properly. He would wake up crying and lying in puddles of spit up. He went into the doctors for testing and they found he had acid reflux for which they prescribed him Prevacid.” She brought the Prevacid home, but wanted to find out a bit more about the medication before administering it to her newborn son. “I did a lot of research on Prevacid for infants and discovered that it could actually be harmful to his whole digestive system by eliminating the acid that was necessary to digest his food properly.” Not wanting to give Peyton something that was harmful, but knowing that Peyton needed something to help with his reflux, Ashley began researching natural remedies. She tells her story: “I'm a firm believer in natural remedies so I began doing some research and tried several gripe waters with no avail until I found Colic Calm. We began giving it to him immediately—a half dose before feedings and a full dose before bed. After a few days his reflux was pretty non-existent so we cut out the Prevacid completely. He would spit up a little but only once in a while and normal amounts with no discomfort. I swear by Colic Calm and tell everyone I know about it. It truly was a lifesaver for our Peyton. Not only did it literally cure his acid reflux but it also helped when he had any type of tummy troubles. But the best part was he loved to take Colic Calm; he never gave us a problem he would suck it down like candy! He is such a happy healthy little boy and Colic Calm played a big part in that!!! Thank you so much for making a product that is natural and healthy for our babies.” Are you a Colic Calm user and would like to share your story? Just let us know by leaving a comment below and we’ll be in touch! As a thank you, Colic Calm will send you one bottle when your story goes live.