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One Mom's Story: Lauren and Baby Lucas

One Mom's Story: Lauren and Baby Lucas

Lauren, a nurse who handles crying babies all day long, was not prepared for the crying that her own son, Lucas, would do. Soothing babies was Lauren's forte, so she was unpleasantly surprised to find that she could not soothe her own son. Lauren says, "It was harder for me to deal with because I am a mom/baby nurse at our local hospital and I felt like I should know what to do and be able to help my son and I couldn't.  Some days it would even reduce me to tears and I would just cry right along with him.  I couldn't stand to see him so horribly uncomfortable." Life with a new baby should be filled with joy and wonderment, not misery and helplessness. Lauren goes on to say, "Lucas would cry all day long and would only stop to eat and take 10 minute cat naps.  He would be really gassy and would cry so hard his face would turn almost purple.  He was constipated and would arch his back away from us--even when we would try to feed him.  The only thing that would soothe him was giving him a bath, but even that only lasted about 10 minutes and he couldn't live in the bath tub.  We tried baby

massages to get some of the gas out but that only worked when he was in the tub, otherwise he was so worked up and tense a massage was totally out of the question." Lauren finally got the answer on why Lucas was crying when she was in his pediatrician's office for his two month check-up. "The pediatrician walked in the room and heard his awful screams and said "welcome to the wonderful world of colic"." After that, she came home and did some research on what exactly colic was, and what could help it. This is when Lauren came across Colic Calm. "I heard about Colic Calm after researching on the internet to find out exactly what colic was and what causes it.  I was trying to find something to help soothe our little guy and make him more comfortable.  There were a couple of moms who had commented that Colic Calm had really helped their babies, so I looked up the website and decided to try it out." When she received the Colic Calm, she would give Lucas a dose whenever he became fussy and uncomfortable.  She noticed that after a few doses it took Lucas a while to settle and sometimes he would refuse the solution all together.  So, Lauren states, "We then decided to give it to him right towards the end of each bottle and that seemed to keep him more comfortable throughout the day, and also allowed him to get between 6 and 8 hours of sleep at night." Quite a relief! The Colic Calm, combined with a new formula and bottle ("We switched formulas from Enfamil newborn to Gentle Ease to soy and we are now on Nutramigen which has helped.  We even tried different types of bottles and are now fans of the Dr. Browns bottles.") finally did the trick for poor Lucas, allowing everyone to feel comfortable and happy, and bringing the bliss that a new baby causes. Lauren ends her interview with, "Now, with the combination of Colic Calm and Nutramigen, Lucas will sleep 6-8 hours and actually wakes up smiling, making his life, as well as ours, much more enjoyable.  He is taking full feedings and can actually be occupied in his swing or bouncer.  He still sleeps in his swing at night, but it's better than the hours I spent pacing the floor with him while he screamed at the top of his lungs." Are you a Colic Calm user and would like to share your story? Just let us know by leaving a comment below and we’ll be in touch! As a thank you, Colic Calm will send you one bottle when your story goes live.