One Mom's Story: Katherine and Baby Corbin
When I had my first baby, I cruised through the first three months like nobody's business. "I have this baby thing handled," I thought to myself. My son was easy, out going and was able to go with the flow. So, three years later, when my daughter was born, I wasn't expecting anything different. But a couple weeks into her life, WHAM!, we were hit with colic. The same held true for Colic Calm user Katherine. When I asked her how she first heard of the product, Katherine replied, "I heard about Colic Calm when my oldest son was a baby, but I never had any issues with fussiness with him. He was a really easy baby." And she thought it would be the same way when her second son, Corbin was born. For the first three weeks of Corbin's life, all went well and Katherine thought she had the two child thing wrapped up. Then came week three.
Katherine says, ". . . one day our little one started screaming after he nursed one night. It was terrible, and it was the worst pain-type scream we've ever heard from him." Thinking it was a weird one time thing, they let the episode pass. But, it kept happening. "When Corbin was a few weeks old, he started getting really fussy after evening feedings, and would start crying his poor heart out," says Katherine. The crying went on about a week before Katherine and her husband decided it was time to try something. Katherine searched the back of her mind to the time when her first born was a baby. She ". . . remembered some of my friends talking about the "miracle cure"," and did some investigating. Up came Colic Calm and as Katherine says, "we caved and finally decided to try something. I am definitely glad we did." Colic Calm was able to make poor Corbin feel much better. Though at the time of her interview, Colic Calm was only being used for colic (Katherine expected a reflux diagnosis in the near future), she would administer the solution ". . . after he feeds, after we think he got most of his spitting out of the way. We also use it when he's just fussy and acting gassy." And, it's working. At interview time, Corbin was seven weeks old and still using Colic Calm. As she says, "It works way better than the gas drops!" Are you a Colic Calm user and would like to share your story? Just let us know by leaving a comment below and we’ll be in touch! As a thank you, Colic Calm will send you one bottle when your story goes live.