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One Mom's Story: Jennifer and Baby Briella Christine

One Mom's Story: Jennifer and Baby Briella Christine

When a woman is pregnant for the first time, she has all sorts of expectations and fears about what her bundle of joy is going to bring. Everyone is prepared for the lack of sleep that a new baby brings, but no one is ever prepared for the constant crying that comes from a colicky baby. No matter how many babies one has had, colic is never easy, and no one knows the stress that a colicky baby can give until they themselves have lived through it. Unfortunately, this is exactly what first time mom, Jennifer, was going through when her daughter, Briella Christine came into the world.

Briella would cry every day from about noon to 7PM. Before you think Jennifer had it lucky because this didn't happen at night, let me go on. When Jennifer would put Briella down, she would wake up at exactly every two hours. Jennifer describes it like this, "She would wake every two hours fussing and crying at night. We thought it was to eat but she wouldn't always eat, we think she was just in pain from gas." Poor Briella would also have infrequent bowel movements, which were very hard, therefore causing her more pain and uncomfortableness. Jennifer says, "This being my first child and the first time I dealt with colic, I was frustrated and sad for my little girl because I knew she couldn't help it." Jennifer purchased another brand's gripe water, but it didn't do anything to ease her daughter's pain. Jennifer then went on BabyCenter to see if she could find some answers. A mother suggested Colic Calm, so Jennifer thought she'd give it a try. Briella was seven weeks old when she had her first dose of Colic Calm, and it worked. Her crying baby turned into a smiling baby. "We used it for colic, but our daughter also has minor issues with reflux. Colic Calm helps both," says Jennifer. When asked how often she administers Colic Calm, Jennifer answers, "We only need to give Briella Colic Calm twice a day, it lasts all day! We give it to her once after her mid-day feeding and once after her bedtime feeding." At interview time, Briella was nine weeks old, and still using Colic Calm. Jennifer says, ". . .we still use it . . . I won't give it up! She plays in her gym, she plays in her bouncer, she plays in her swing, she coos and talks to us and it's fabulous! Her bowel movements are easy for her to pass and she goes at least once a day! And at night, she has a night time feeding at 10 and a dose of Colic Calm. She sleeps until 3 AM, and again from 3:30 until around 7. I feel human in the morning now!" That's what we like to hear Jennifer--that we make moms turn into humans again. Isn't it amazing what a good night's sleep will do? Are you a Colic Calm user and would like to share your story? Just let us know by leaving a comment below and we’ll be in touch! As a thank you, Colic Calm will send you one bottle when your story goes live.