One Mom's Story: Erin and Baby Victoria
As a new mom, you deal with anxieties that you’ve never had before—“Am I a good parent?” “Am I holding my baby right?” “Can I bathe my baby?” Even the most self-assured woman experiences these sort of lapses in confidence as she has a tiny, crying, newborn in her arms. This is compounded when your baby CRIES ALL DAY. Nothing can make you feel more inadequate or tired. So imagine what first time mom, Erin, was like when her daughter
Victoria was born and was constantly crying—as she says, “. . . Victoria was having a miserable time.” The poor baby was crying and crying and never sleeping, causing her to be overtired. Erin describes what that time was like, “She would only sleep for about 3-4 hours at night and hardly napped at all during the day. If I laid her flat on her back she would wake up and just cry and I was exhausted from many, many sleepless nights trying to help her get comfortable. She would stay awake sometimes eight hours straight during the day because she was so uncomfortable that she wouldn't nap. At times she would just cry for 30-45 minutes until she was completely worn out and would collapse in my arms, sobbing.” On top of the crying, Erin suspected that Victoria was having some reflux issues as well as being extremely gassy. Two months had passed and though Erin had tried gas drops and other gripe water brands, nothing had worked. She couldn’t bear to see her baby miserable any longer, so she turned to the internet. “I heard about Colic Calm while I was frantically searching the internet for answers on how to help Victoria's gas and reflux issues,” says Erin. Erin purchased a bottle and, “I first administered it before she went to bed and she slept almost six hours that night--the first time she had ever done that. Then I began giving it to her whenever she would have signs or symptoms of gas pains. I never had to give her more than two doses per day, morning and evening. Sometimes she will get half a dose before bed if she seems fussy.” At interview time, Victoria was a bit over four months and Erin was still giving her Colic Calm whenever she showed signs of gas pain or stomach issues. Erin ends her interview saying, “She is such a happy baby now! She smiles all the time, naps all day long and sleeps eight hours during the night.” We’re so glad EVERYONE is getting some sleep, Erin! Are you a Colic Calm user and would like to share your story? Just let us know by leaving a comment below and we’ll be in touch! As a thank you, Colic Calm will send you one bottle when your story goes live.