One Mom's Story: Diana and Baby Madilyn
Just because you have a second child, doesn’t mean you're a veteran mom. Nothing can throw a parent a curve ball like a fussy baby. You’ve changed the diaper, you’ve swaddled them, they’ve been fed, you’ve been “baby wearing” them for hours on end. But the crying won’t stop. Such was the case for Diana. Madilyn (Diana’s second child) was fussy from the start. Diana tells her story, “We have dealt with gas, fussiness, and frequent hiccups/spit up shortly after bringing Madilyn home from the hospital. The concerns were shared with our doctor who told us
the hiccups were normal as well as the other symptoms because of the immature digestive system, and he suggested putting some rice cereal in her bottles to help thicken it and help the formula stay in her stomach. So we let things go for awhile thinking it will get better, but weeks went by and still no improvement. Madilyn would cry and nothing we did would console her--she would stiffen herself straight out and turn as red as a tomato, and she wasn't sleeping well. There were many times I would find myself crying right along with her because I knew she was hurting and I felt I had done everything I knew to do for her. My husband (who works 12 hour days) would also feel guilty for leaving us, knowing how our day was going to go and he wouldn’t be here to help. We even asked each other "What are we doing wrong"? Dealing with all of this was really beginning to make us feel like failures as parents.” When Madilyn reached her two month birthday, Diana could no longer take the crying or the feeling that she was an inadequate parent any longer. She started researching what one could do for both infant reflux and baby gas. As she says, “Most of what they recommended for both we were already doing with little to no relief. Someone had told us about using gripe water and how well it worked for their baby but I was leery about using it because of some of the ingredients and then I came across Colic Calm. I really liked the fact it was allergen free and had no side effects, which was a big concern for me. Plus reading that her body will only use what it needs and will pass the rest, that made me feel better as well so I didn’t feel like I was medicating her for no reason. And knowing it is FDA registered made me feel better.” But what really did the trick in convincing Diana was watching the video of baby Casey receive his dose of Colic Calm (click here to view). Diana thought, “No way!” and went to her nearest CVS and bought a bottle. When Madilyn had an episode Diana gave her the first dose and, “. . . within minutes she was calm and resting peacefully. The next day she had another episode and I gave her another dose and had the same results.” At interview time, Madilyn still received Colic Calm for colic, reflux, and hiccups. Diana usually gives her a dose shortly after a feeding which is when Madilyn would normally have uncomfortable gas and hiccups. Madilyn also gets Colic Calm before bedtime. And though she had reflux, Madilyn was never prescribed any medicine. Diana says, “I wanted to explore all options before placing her on any type of medication. I was hoping to find something natural rather than pumping her body full of medicine that carries possible side effects.” In wrapping up her interview, Diana leaves with the following words, “I’m so glad that I came across Colic Calm, its nice to know that when Madilyn is hurting that I know we have something to go to that will provide relief for her almost instantly.” Are you a Colic Calm user and would like to share your story? Just let us know by leaving a comment below and we’ll be in touch! As a thank you, Colic Calm will send you one bottle when your story goes live.