One Mom's Story: Sarah and Baby Megan
When Sarah welcomed Megan into the world, she was her sixth child. Surrounded by a loving family, and a wonderful husband, Sarah was ready to get to know her newborn. Megan however, had different plans, and screamed for most the day and night. Sarah, who had dealt with baby colic before, was at her wit's end, and tried every colic remedy to help her. However, nothing would take away her newborn's painful gas. Sarah's interview was so passionate, that instead of writing her story for her, I wanted Sarah to share it with you herself. Here it is. . . Is this your first child? What is his/her name? This is my sixth child and the only one EVER to have colic this bad. Her name is Megan. How did you hear about Colic Calm? This is a weird story. My sister told me that her friends swear by “kiddie-kol” but I thought she said Colic Calm. I searched the internet for different brands, trying to decide between Baby’s Bliss and Colic Calm. When I came across the Colic Calm site, I saw the "how it works" link and LOVED IT! It was the pull I needed. I went that very next morning to Garden Gate Specialties health-food store, purchased it, went home and immediately gave her a full dose (I was desperate to find results). She stopped screaming in severe pain instantly . . . and . . . smiled. Yes, she smiled for the first time EVER! I WAS HOOKED!
Were you using Colic Calm for colic or infant reflux? I was using it for gas—bad, painful gas. If it was reflux, was your child on prescribed medicine (Zantac, Prevacid, etc)? My husband and I were trying EVERYTHING to take away her pain as naturally as possible, but I had finally made the appointment for Megan to see the doctor. After all the money we put out for her to feel better and after seeing no results, we were going to go with meds. However, we tried Colic Calm and never did visit the doctor! As a matter of fact, at her two month check-up, we told her pediatrician about Colic Calm and she said we could use it as long as we wanted (and she hadn't heard of it before!). I was so sure I needed an x-ray to show intestinal problems like they were twisted, pinched etc, but now, I'd never even consider putting Megan through all that testing. How old was your baby when you first started using Colic Calm? Megan was seven weeks old, but if I had only known it was out there sooner, I would've bought it A LOT earlier!! When would you administer Colic Calm—before and after feeding, before bed, etc? I would give her Colic Calm before bed--the first time I gave it to her, she slept five hours straight! I would also give it to her upon waking, and immediately after feedings (she would last longer, without crying episodes, between feedings), then roughly give her about 6-8 full doses during the day. I tried half doses, but the full dose worked the best for her. How old is your baby now? Do you still use Colic Calm? Megan is now 11 weeks old and she is all coos and smiles. I can actually treat her as a "NORMAL" baby! I still use Colic Calm, but a lot less. Giving her Colic Calm, I could try to tell what was causing her to be SO GASSY! Before Colic Calm, she would scream all the time, but after giving her a dose, I could "test" things. For example, food allergies--what would I eat that would make her need more Colic Calm? I found out that the culprits were chocolate, peanut butter, milk, dairy, AND (sooo sad) gluten!! But as soon as I found out it was gluten, I could introduce the other foods that bothered her before. Now, I use Colic Calm about two times in three days (maybe once in the morning, then about 1-2 times between 6-10PM on tough days). I'm using it less and less. Tell me a little about life before Colic Calm—were you up all night, was your baby crying all day, etc? I WAS UP ALL NIGHT and DAY!! I wasn't healing from birth. I was getting chest pains from over nursing, but the ONLY thing that helped was nursing. My husband and I would take turns walking the floor with Megan trying ALL we could to get through the night. We tried white noise (which helped a little), other brands of gripe water, different positions to hold her tummy tight, baths, music, hot and cold rooms, heat packs on tummy, swaddling . . . you NAME IT, we TRIED IT! It was terrible! I wanted to curl up and cry because I thought "I" did something while carrying. I blamed myself daily AND hourly! When I found the "miracle juice" of Colic Calm, I had a lot more self esteem! I didn't blame myself anymore. Life was looking up until one day, I accidentally left Megan’s bottle of Colic Calm at my husband’s work when I delivered his lunch. Wow! I wish that hadn't happened . . . she cried, no let’s say, she screamed, for HOURS! I had to wait until her Daddy came home, which wasn't until 11pm (he happened to work late that day). Megan was at her grandma’s house, and everyone who was there took turns with her, saying "I know what’s wrong, she's cold, hot, tired, bored...etc." But I knew she just needed her Colic Calm! Poor thing, I was as stressed as she was! When her dad came home, I gave it to her and, like magic, she crashed into deep slumber (wanted to call up family and brag "I WAS RIGHT!!"). Before Colic Calm, I used to nurse through the night about every 20-30 minutes; it was the only way to keep her asleep. NOW she sleeps 5-9 hours, feeds, and then sleeps another 2 to 3 hours more!! I only wish I found it earlier! I never go anywhere without it, I have a bottle in the car, at home, in the car seat pouch and in the diaper bag!! It’s almost more important than diapers. When I travel, it’s the first thing I double check for. My husband and I have told EVERYONE we know about it! Before Colic Calm, when Megan would FINALLY fall asleep, someone would ask to hold her and I would tell them "NO"!! I couldn't risk her waking up screaming AGAIN!! Now I say "sure go ahead." It’s too good to be true. Sometimes, I think it’s just a wonderful dream and I'm afraid I'll wake up! I THANK GOD DAILY that I found this "MIRACLE JUICE" and bless the person who came up with the mixture! And because it’s all natural, I don't get any lectures from my "ALL NATURAL" parents and friends!! How did the rest of your children deal with Megan’s constant crying? It was terrible. I had 5 other kids that helped bounce her. My littlest one, Benjamin, would walk around holding his ears. My oldest son told me he didn't like coming home from school because he didn't like to hear her cry. One day, I had to let her cry so I could shower. When I came out, my little girl Olivia was crying. I asked her why, and she said she didn't like to see Megan hurting (we explained to the kids that she was suffering in pain so not to be mad at her or mom and dad). When Megan would finally sleep, the kids would get mad at those being loud, telling them they would make her cry again. I was constantly apologizing to them for ignoring them. Their school work was put on hold; they would have to tell me every day about dirty school clothes I forgot to wash (Like I forgot!! I didn't have time). Meals were late; dinner was always at 8PM or later. . . Poor things. I told them I loved them and if they were hurting like Megan, I would take care of them the same. I told their teachers to please be patient with my kids and hopefully it would be better soon! (That was my daily chant, that things would be better soon.) Now, I am catching up with all my chores. Lunch is on time. School work is done every night between my hubby and me; we are slowly catching up. Dinner is at 6-6:30 now. I always have after school snacks. Most importantly, my kids laugh again and they hug me daily telling me they love me!! One day my older daughter, Lauraly, asked me if I was feeling better. I told her yes, and she said "MOM I CAN TELL, .I JUST HAD TO ASK!!" I tell you what; my kids were awesome through all of this. I used to take my preschoolers to the library during school hours, but after Megan was born, we NEVER went. I took them yesterday, and they had a blast, while Megan either smiled or slept the whole time! Are you a Colic Calm user and would like to share your story? Just let us know by leaving a comment below and we’ll be in touch! As a thank you, Colic Calm will send you one bottle when your story goes live.