One Mom's Story: Stephanie and Baby Isaiah
Isaiah is Stephanie’s first child, and boy was he about to give her and her husband the ride of their lives! At only days old, Isaiah was extremely gassy, as well as colicky, which ended up with afternoons and nights of inconsolable crying. Stephanie remembers that he was so gassy, people thought it was her breaking wind! She says, “I've been holding him when he passed gas, and it sounded so big everyone swore it was me! Until I passed him to them and he did it again. And again and again . . .” Although funny to read, it wasn’t funny to be around, because poor Isaiah was very uncomfortable. Stephanie describes the situation like this:
They had some, ". . . very sore arms (from bouncing and swinging) and [a] very tired mommy and daddy. It [the colic] was more of a nighttime thing . . . although sometimes he cried hard during the day. If he did, it would start in the late afternoon at the earliest. We weren't sure whether or not to call it colic, because he was only mostly inconsolable. The crying was off and on (depending on how much bouncing and swinging we were doing) for HOURS. I distinctly remember one night my husband wanted to let me sleep for longer than 20 minutes [at a time] . . . so he took Isaiah into the next room and bounced and swung him while I slept about 1.5 hours. Finally, he brought him back to me, and I could tell he was about to break. Apparently Isaiah had cried that entire time. He handed Isaiah to me so I could try and feed him, then sat himself down on the bed, legs in front. He folded down over his legs and just buried his face in the comforter. I tried to get Isaiah to latch on to nurse, and he latched on for a minute and did what he usually did--pulled off and cried. I glanced over at my husband, and he didn't move . . . but his shoulders started shaking. I realized he was crying! I prayed and prayed and kept trying to get Isaiah to latch and stay latched (this was probably 2 AM, by the way), and he finally stayed on, and miraculously my husband didn't go crazy.” Stephanie and her husband had obviously reached their limit, so it was time to do some research on Google to find out exactly what was going on with their baby. Stephanie says, “I wasn't sure if Isaiah had colic or was just gassy, but after typing in colic, I quickly found Colic Calm and saw that it would help either way. I was excited that it was homeopathic; I'm not a fan of medication.” Stephanie had the information in her back pocket, but didn’t try Colic Calm until late (very late) one evening. Isaiah was crying, and she sent her husband to the local CVS to purchase the solution. As soon as he got home, they gave Isaiah his first dose. “Within 30 seconds the crying stopped, and my husband and I were declaring (at 1 AM) that that was the best $20 we had ever spent! After that, I started giving him an extremely small dose before every feeding, and if he showed any signs of discomfort after the feeding I would give him a little more. It worked great for us.” When asked how old Isaiah was when he received his first dose, Stephanie replied, “He was about 2.5 weeks old. Young enough that we were scared to tell anyone what we were trying in case we got a lot of grief for it . . . but it worked so well that we ended up telling everyone anyway, so they would know about it!” And did she ever need to try anything else? Stephanie says, “I had a coupon (I'm a couponer) for Mylicon, but we actually went for the more expensive Colic Calm because of all the rave reviews. After using it, I heard a story about a child who was overdosed on Mylicon . . . and was again glad I had Colic Calm.” At interview time, Isaiah was about four months old. I asked Stephanie he still received Colic Calm, to which she replied, “We ended up using Colic Calm regularly for about a week, then tapering off its use to only "as needed" instead of before each feeding. It was a miracle to us that he was so much better after a week of regular use!” But she goes on to say, “He's getting close to the teething stage now, and I've read Colic Calm is good for that too, so I've got my bottle of it ready and waiting!” Are you a Colic Calm user and would like to share your story? Just let us know by leaving a comment below and we’ll be in touch! As a thank you, Colic Calm will send you one bottle when your story goes live.