One Mom's Story: Kristen and Baby Lily
When Lily was born, Kristen was like any other new mom—tired but happy. And Lily was like any other newborn—slept, cried, ate. But then something changed—Lily pretty much just cried. And cried. And cried. Kristen says, “Lily was crying non-stop. She did sleep well in the beginning. As she got older, she would try to sleep, but wake in pain and start screaming. After awhile she screamed for hours and hours each day. One day we actually kept track and she cried for 10 hours STRAIGHT. We took her to the doctor, but got sent home and they said she was just fussy.” No one can handle ten hours of straight crying, let alone a sleep deprived mom who has hormones coursing through her. Kristen was desperate for an answer to her baby’s crying, and seeked out some help. A member of Café Mom’s January 2012 babies group, her first stop was on the group’s discussion board—why was Lily crying so much and did anyone have any suggestions on how to help her? Her Café Mom friends responded back—“Try Colic Calm!” From there, Kristen started Googling the product, read the testimonials and decided to give it a try. And it worked. From that point forward, “Lily got Colic Calm before feedings, bed time, and any other time that she was completely inconsolable which was pretty much constantly.” Though Colic Calm would soothe Lily, she was still crying around the clock. Then, Kristen says, “. . . after four months of no answers we finally learned that Lil had silent reflux, couldn't tolerate any of her formulas, and had colic as well.” At interview time, Lily was five months old. When the Colic Calm Journal asked how she was doing, Kristen said, “Now she is on organic lactose free formula and Prevacid. She is a happy baby! Thanks to Colic Calm we were able to get periods of relief until we found out what was bothering our little “lilybug”.
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