One Mom's Story: Amy and Baby Aryus
When first time mom Amy, welcomed her son, Aryus Stone, into the world, she couldn’t have felt more blessed. But when Aryus turned three weeks old, the crying didn’t stop. Aryus, who was born four weeks early and had an immature digestive system, was suffering from gas pains and reflux, and it was BAD. As Amy says, “Aryus would grunt and cry out in pain all day long. He was gripped with pain so badly that I could not even give him a tummy massage. His belly button even became herniated due to all the pushing he did.” Amy goes on to describe their home life like this, “Shortly after he dealt with gas he developed reflux and was constantly gagging and spitting up. He began to suffer
sleep wise and it stressed him out. He would wake up from naps and night sleep screaming, grunting and gagging.” For his reflux, Aryus was prescribed Axid, which, as Amy says, made him scream “every time I gave it to him.” The situation was not getting better, only tougher. But, the light at the end of the tunnel was seen when Aryus was about six weeks old. At this time, his father was working at the California State Fair and was describing to a customer about poor Aryus’ ordeal. The customer recommended Colic Calm—Amy went straight to the Colic Calm website and did some research. The product sounded like a good solution, so she decided to give it a try. But, the results weren’t immediate. Amy says, "After receiving Colic Calm I immediately started Aryus on it. He had been so symptomatic for such a long time that I didn't see the biggest improvement until about 5-6 days of dosage (so don’t give up if you don’t see immediate results). He LOVED the taste and it [eventually] brought him his smile." Amy would administer Colic Calm before and after breastfeeding, before bed and during the day when he showed signs of discomfort. Aryus will be six months old November 25, and when asked if she still uses Colic Calm, Amy replied, “Of course I do! He is still gassy and it helps his gas come out easier! It also seems to help with fussiness associated with his teething! I have even taken it a time or two when I suffered from stomach discomfort.” We’re glad we could help the WHOLE family Amy! Are you a Colic Calm user and would like to share your story? Just let us know by leaving a comment below and we’ll be in touch! As a thank you, Colic Calm will send you one bottle when your story goes live.