How Does Gripe Water Work?
What is the mechanism of action?
These products do contain natural ingredients that have traditionally been used for conditions that may be related to colic:
- Gas / Wind – medicinal carbon (e.g. Carbo Vegetabilis or Activated charcoal) contained in Colic Calm has been shown to reduce the symptoms of abdominal discomfort attributable to gaseousness more effectively than synthetic anti-gas drugs such as simethicone.
- Intestinal Bacteria – Good bacteria (probiotics) are essential for a healthy gut. A connection between colic and development of probiotics in the infant immature digestion is emerging but not proven. There is some evidence that herbs such as fennel, lemon balm and peppermint inhibit the growth of bad bacteria and promote growth of good ones.
- Digestive Aid – Evidence suggests that herbal extracts from fennel seed, lemon balm, peppermint and ginger may aid digestion by increasing enzyme production, reducing intestinal spasms and increase motility of the small intestines. These herbs are also commonly used in folk medicine for functional gastrointestinal disorders.
- Irritability and Restlessness – are two behaviors exhibited by all colicky babies. Herbs such as chamomile and lemon balm have shown promise in treating anxiety, irritability and sleep disturbances.
- Heartburn / Indigestion – one controversial theory is that colic is caused by gastroesophageal reflux. Activated charcoal has been used in a combination to treat ingestion. Traditional herbal medicines to treat indigestion include caraway, dill, ginger, lemon balm and peppermint.
Dosages may not correspond to those used in the cited studies. Furthermore, children’s doses generally require adjustment for weight and surface area. Homeopathic medicines typically use very small doses that operate according to the principles of homeopathy for which dosages are not analogous.
Even though there are no sedatives in Colic Calm, many parents report that with the first dose, their little one begins to sleep peacefully after experiencing relief.