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Colic Conclusion and References

Conclusion and References

If you are sure your infant is suffering from colic, there are concrete steps you can take to relieve the symptoms of your colicky baby. Therapies include changing your baby’s environment and diet to direct internal treatment. As always, consult your pediatrician about the range of alternative treatments available. There are safe, natural and effective alternatives to pharmaceuticals and artificial chemicals. Homeopathy has been used for more than 200 years to safely treat a variety of nervous and digestive disorders including colic.

colic calm bottle

Remember that babies are just getting accustomed to this world and, as they grow older, their colic will eventually subside. Their digestive systems will learn how to function well. In the first three months of life, babies are not well-equipped to calm themselves. Self-calming is a skill that develops slowly over time and at different rates in children. Babies this young are not expected to self soothe, and you can’t spoil them by helping them soothe.

Red Flag Symptoms

Please remember this information is not a substitute for medical advice or medical care. Please consult your doctor if your child is having fever, diarrhea, vomiting, poor feeding, prolonged crying or any other symptoms that concern you.


  1. Smart Medicine for a Healthier ChildJanet Zand, N.D., L.Ac., Robert Roundtree, M.D., Rachel Walton, MSN, CRNP
  2. When Your Baby Won’t Stop Crying: A Parent’s Guide to ColicTonja H. Krautter, Psy.D., L.C.S.W.
  3. Colic SolvedBryan Vartabedian, M.D.
  4. Healthy Child Healthy WorldChristopher Gavigan
  5. Homeopathic Materia MedicaWilliam Boericke, M.D.
  6. A Guide to HomeopathyAndrew James
  7. The Green PharmacyJames A. Duke, Ph.D.
  8. Colic Recognition, Information, Education and Support (CRIES)