One Dad's Story: Bryan and Baby Raelynn
This week’s One Mom’s Story comes from a dad, Bryan, who talks about his second child, Raelynn. Raelynn has a touch of colic, but the bigger concerns were gas and infant reflux. Bryan starts his interview with, “Our daughter was having bad diarrhea and gas that lasted for 5 weeks. On top of the yucky poopies and horrible gas pains, we knew she had some kind of reflux since she would bring something up and make that “bad taste” face. We took her to the doctors multiple times, switched formulas; they tested her poop, and eventually sent her to Pittsburgh's Children's Hospital (UPMC) for an upper GI. The UPMC doctor decided that by her symptoms, she was not going to do the GI, but rather treat her for infant reflux. She was prescribed Zantac.” However, after Bryan and his wife read over the potential side effects that Zantac could cause on Raelynn, they decided to
try an alternative route instead. Bryan says, “We were Googling natural remedies for infant reflux and came across your [Colic Calm] advertisement. We checked to see which retailers in our area carried Colic Calm and it was CVS. After looking in the store for 20 minutes, we found it in the baby lotion aisle and purchased it.” At this time, Raelynn was 16 weeks old, and they would “. . . give her around 1/4 tsp [of Colic Calm] when she would get cranky--mainly in the evenings and then she would calm down and sometimes even fall asleep. We didn't use it every day, but more like every other or when she would get gassy or cranky.” When Bryan finished his interview, he said, “Raelynn is now almost 20 weeks old and we are to the bottom of the bottle--what a difference it has made. We no longer see her making the “bad taste” faces and her poop even changed to a more formed poop. She has less gas and doesn't get as cranky now. Before Colic Calm, she was cranky in the evenings and it was hard for us to get her to relax and go to bed. Mylicon didn't seem to help much at all. She would cry and scream in pain. We give her 1/2 tsp now about a half an hour before her bedtime feeding and she is so much better. She still has her cranky moments, but we can tell it's because she's tired and not in pain--the pain cry is much different from the tired cry. We are so grateful for your product and so happy we didn't have to use Zantac. It [Colic Calm] seems to work better when we use it every night before bed. I think that people questioning it should just give it a try. . . we did, and are so thankful it helped!” Are you a Colic Calm user and would like to share your story? Just let us know by leaving a comment below and we’ll be in touch! As a thank you, Colic Calm will send you one bottle when your story goes live.