Colic Calm has been a life saver for me and my family. For the first time, I was able to actually take a maternity leave to enjoy my baby. Well, I had never experienced colic with my other two and my world was turned upside down when PJ's colic set in. It's one thing to have a baby with colic, it's another thing to have a baby with colic with 3 other kids to care for on a farm no less! To describe what Colic Calm does for PJ is difficult. He starts to cry a little, then it goes to the tell tale high pitched scream drawing up his knees and waving his little fists. I give him colic calm and within minutes his fists are unclenched and he is starting to look around. Then the babbling begins! Actually, I read on your site that you would accept a short video to show how it affects our baby. It is hysterical to us because now we know the signs of when his colic is starting to act up and usually dose him before he gets to the screaming part. As we are giving him the colic calm, he makes noises like "yeah, oh yeah." It is impossible for a 3 month old to speak I know, but he really does sound like that. I hope to send in the video, anyone would be amazed by what this liitle brown bottle can do for a baby. Sadly, I think a lot of people do not know about this product. I found it out of desperation one night. He was crying, I was crying and typed in colic relief on the internet and found your product. No one told me about. No magazine I had read mentioned your product. I would post a billboard next to a pediatricians office or next to a hospital. I know there are other products out there and I had tried them, some take the edge off but none hold a candle to Colic Calm. Thank you for a wonderful product!
-April H - Newark, NJ